Chapter 21. William's story continued

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William snapped out of his train of thoughts at the mention of Heather being his girlfriend. What a stupid thing for me to ask at the moment but it slipped out. The mention of her name and what Maria had told me she found on social media popped in my head and like verbal diarrhea, it just came out.

Thankfully, William seemed amused. "My girlfriend?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Have you been stalking my social media, Mr. Price?"

"Ahh. I umm... well not technically." I responded nervously.

"Not technically?" He teased.

"Maria did!" I sold my best friend out.

William started to laugh. "Well, if you were listening I just told you I had to hide the fact that I was gay from my grandfather. I'd hope you of all people would know I'm anything but straight." He continued laughing.

I nudged his elbow playfully and when he pulled his elbow back I fell forward a bit. Our faces were only inches apart from one anothers. I could feel his breath mix with mine in the cool October air and our eyes met.

"She's my best friend. She's gay too and like me, her home life is anything but accepting. We made a pact to pretend to be a couple until we got out of highschool." William's voice was low and reassuring. His eyes locked on mine making sure I took in every word. When I attempted to move back and give his lips some space to continue speaking, he grabbed my arm and held me there. "I'm gay, Christian. Very. Very gay." He whispered into my lips.

Instinctively, I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to meet mine. Wondering if I would feel the sparks I felt so many years ago and pinned for. Sparks I wished I would feel every time Mateo kissed me but never came. I had begun to think I had imagined the feeling I had gotten when Billy kissed me.

Suddenly my face was hit with a rush of cold air and the warmth of William's breath was gone. I opened my eyes to see William had moved back and he was looking down at his lap. "We-I, I'm sorry, Christian." William spoke with regret. "It's better for everyone to just pretend I'm straight. Everyone needs to think I am straight."

Unsure of what to say and a tad embarrassed with myself, I changed the subject. "What about your pact with Heather? Why are you here now and not with her at your old school?"

"When she turned Eighteen she left. She had been secretly dating a girl and fell in love. They disappeared to California. She begged for me to come but I couldn't. I didn't want to drop out of school and lose my chances of going to a good college. I want to make my parents proud. She offered to stay but I saw how miserable she was and I couldn't hold her back." He explained.

"So what made you move here?" I was curious.

"I promised myself I would make it to a colleague without my grandfather's help. If I could support myself, get a free ride, I could go to a good college and be free from him. I'm a good student but my best chances at a scholarship is through Football. Lets just say prep kids in the city don't take Football too seriously. Our team sucked and is ignored by any reputable university. I needed a school that had a great team and like destiny, I came across a little article about a little someone."

Not to toot my own horn but I've been approached by modeling agencies on many occasions. I even took an appointment to meet with one and when the agent suggested I was too muscular and wanted me to lose weight, I laughed at him and never gave it another thought. Last spring, a well known sports magazine approached me wanting to do a cover story on the out and proud star quarterback who had brought from one championship to the next. Reluctantly, I agreed and didn't think many people saw it. Apparently, I was wrong.

"You saw that?" I asked red faced.

"Who hasn't?" William responded with a smirk. "And I'm glad I did! What you've done for your school is incredible. Every college comes here scouting players. Even the school's academics are noticed. My grandfather didn't even question me when I asked to be transferred. He's never around anyway so it's not like he misses me in the city. He bought this house like he was buying a pair of jeans and had Lucia, my maid" William looked mortified at his words "enroll me into school. That hasn't stopped him from keeping an eye on me though. That's why if you've noticed, I am picked up everyday and don't drive on my own. The driver hangs around school all day and the staff here at this house report back to him. I'm literally on lock and key."

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