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Aurelia Moreno

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Aurelia Moreno

I woke up to a loud argument. I groaned to myself "who would be argue this loud in the morning?" But then I heard my Mom, how she shouts at my Dad and she was crying. I could hear her sobbing from here. I was furios at the person who made my mother cry and was ready to eat the shit out of them. So I got up and dressed myself.

As I looked at myself in the mirror of my bathroom, the events of the night came straight back into my head. Vomit formed it self in my mouth and I was eager to get over the toilet and throw up. I felt disgusted by myself and just wanted to delete all those memories.

I made my way down the stairs to the living room. The first thing I saw were pillows from the sofas laying everywhere. I thing this was my Mother, but they weren't here. I think they were in the kitchen, so I made my way. I saw my Mother snapping at my father, her whole head was red from anger. Mom stood at the one side of the kitchen island with her back towards me and my Dad stood on the other, directly looking at me.

"You can't just do that to our girl, she's not even an adult. You are not in you right mind." she shouted, Dad tried to calm her.

"Carolina-" he tried but was cut off by Mom, who was a crying mess. I decided to stay quiet and to not taking any attention to me.

"No you are going to listen to me now!" she snapped at him. Dad just now noticed my presence.

"Morning Aurelia" Dad said, hinting Mom to stop talking. What are they hiding?

"Morning Dad" I smiled at him and went towards Mom, "Morning Ma'" I said kissing her on the cheeks ,smiling.

"Morning Honey, are you hungry? I could make you some breakfast the cook isn't here today." She tried to get away from the argument they had earlier.

"Uhm yes" I shrug "Could you make just some cereal?" I asked, I wasn't that hungry the events from yesterday still in my head making vomit form in my mouth and me wanting to throw up again. But I still wanted to comfort her and to not make her anxious.

"Yes of course, nothing else? I could make you a fruit plate, you like them so much" she asked, hopeful that I would want more. I nodded and she went straight to work. I looked at my Dad while Mom was in the pantry looking for the things she will need.

"What was that about?" I asked, trying to know about what they've talked or more argued. I wanted to know it before Mom would be back making my breakfast. The tension in the room was thick and my Dad was clearly uncomfortable in the state I've brought him in. I look at him with concern till he finally answers.

"Oh you know nothing what is about your concern" he tried to ease the tension in the room. You know Mom and I could just look at him with this one look and he would tell us instantly. I think I've inherited the look from my Mother, she would do it constantly and Dad would give in and tell her.

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