CH. 7: Snowy Blade

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A/N: hello this is one of my favorite chapters so far because things are really starting to happen now.

For the trust of a land

twas was being run by the most broken man

a place of desert and sand

it was largest and most grand

The place was one that you may see in ads

But that didn't stop the man from being angry or sad...

One may recall...

For everything that's lovely is but a brief, dreamy kind delight

O' never give the heart outright

Poems, literature, they tell the stories of yesteryears long after the written scripture. The rapture of someone's heart can still be captured in the most timely ways imaginable. And yet so simple.. A pen and some paper. Finding ways to cope ways to mend holes of our sorrows by pouring them out physically and letting people relate to the problems of humanity. The simplest letter can change a person's life

Your words can change a person's life..

Quackity wanted this letter to change a man's life for the worse to make his life better. Does causing the people who despise you pain really make you feel pleasure though, like you did something right with your life? Or maybe rather that someone may be able to experience the same pain you do


The hurt that you try to painstakingly mask so you can wake up in the morning


The smile that you pray will someday be real...

Snow blankets the horizon as far as the eyes can see. The snowflakes fell like heaven on earth, a kind of peace I had missed in my life for far too long. I understood why tubbo built in the snow. But I build in the desert. If there's one thing the world knows for certain it's that cold and heat don't mix.

The small sad shack of technos house found its way into my view as I climbed a nearby mountain to get a better angle on where people were. I didn't know where anyone was exactly. The snow was irritating my scar but that didn't matter because when I captured him in the prison I could give him as many scars as I wanted.

It was then that I saw him at a table. It looked like Phil and a few others were also there but it was incredibly hard to see from the low visibility thanks to the snow. I could see his pig face with that cape and crown and everything his heart desired im sure. I didn't want to get too close and risk getting caught but I wanted to see him somehow.

The snow began to settle a bit and it made it much easier to see thankfully. I saw them enjoying a cake and talking. How pathetic. I mean I wouldn't dare mention how I wished that that was me with my friends though.

I was surprised to see what appeared to be niki and ranboo there as well but i wasn't focused on them today. I pulled out the letter to techno concealed in a standard manilla envelope with a blood red seal. The blood god... I didn't care if he was retired. I knew that he was bound to come back to his violent ways at some point so it was better to dispose of him now.

I had a feeling he could sense i was here but he didn't look up at me... at least not yet

And then he did his cold eyes pouring into mine before he quickly looked back at phil. I saw as he muttered some things before leaving the pack and heading my way as he used his trident to climb the mountain to its peak. His cape blew in the breeze of the snow capped mountain as we stood face to face.

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