"No, I really don't think he has a mistress." The sound of a key being inserted into the front door makes my ears perk up as I stand to meet my husband in the entryway. He looks at me with his hair messy, his cheeks flushed, the smell of alcohol seeping from him, and his shirt wrinkled with the top four buttons undone. Leaning back against the wall, I watch him as he kicks off his shoes and hangs up his jacket as if he's simply going through the normal daily motions.

"Is that him?" Jimin questions in a quieter tone.

"Yes, I'll see you at the campaign shoot on Wednesday then?" I avoid sounding too friendly, not that I am in the mood for that sort of thing right now anyway.

"Yes," he catches on to what I'm doing. "I'll see you Wednesday. Text me later, please. I'll want to know that you're okay."

"I will," I reply in a bit more of a warmer tone, knowing that he is just concerned for me. I press the red button on my screen, ending the call with Jimin, and look back up to Cameron as my arms crossed over my chest.

Walking past me, he holds his hand in front of my face, "Not now, Mia."

My mouth hangs open in shock and almost amusement as I huff out a non-humorous chuckle. I was pacing the whole house worried sick for this man and he has the audacity to dismiss me in such a manner without even the good graciousness to give me the time of day to state no only where he was but to let it sink in that he was safe. It infuriates me that he walks around acting like I just start arguments with him for the thrill of it when in reality, I do my damnedest to make this marriage work and bite my tongue more often than I should but not today. Not now.

"Excuse me?" I question with full attitude. "You were gone all fucking night and I wake up, worried about your well-being over everything, and you tell me 'not now'? How dare you?"

"Mia," my husband groans with a roll of his eyes. "I'm tired and I'm an adult, I can take care of myself."

Chuckling again without any humor, I throw my hands in the air, "Yes, yes you can. And you know what? That starts now."

"What do you mean?" Following behind me as I head to our bedroom, he watches me grab my suitcase from the depths of our closet. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Why?" I whip my head in his direction, refusing to let tears form in my eyes, or perhaps I've cried as much as my body will allow. Instead, I only feel my hands shaking and anger building inside of me at this moment. "Why act like you care all of the sudden? You weren't here. You have repeatedly disrespected me. You don't treat me as your wife..." I shake my head and nibble on my bottom lip as I stare daggers into his blue eyes, "hell, you don't even treat me as a friend." Taking a deep breath, I walk past him and set my bag on the bed so that I can begin to fill it with clothes. "Maybe time apart will do us some good," I state in a much calmer tone.

"So you want to just leave? This is what we do, Mia, we bicker and eventually get over it."

"No," I stop as my fingers graze over my belongings neatly folded in the wooden dresser, "that's what you do. I don't get it over it, Cameron. I move on with my day because otherwise, I'd fall apart and that is something I cannot give you the power to do to me." His brow furrows as the words I spoke seemed to maybe, just maybe, settle in.

"Baby, Mia, wait..." he gently grabs my arm, trying to turn me around but I hold my stance, refusing to look at him. If I do, I don't know if I'll snap out of anger or break down in tears. I never pictured my life to come to this. I entered marriage with the intention to stay until death but I've come to realize that I am dying inside by staying here.

Forcing myself to speak, I try to avoid a break in my voice, "I'm done with waiting on you, Cameron. If you want me, you're going to have to fight for me now."

Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+Where stories live. Discover now