2-Strawberry Pop Tarts

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My eyes slowly crack open and I realize it's already day light

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My eyes slowly crack open and I realize it's already day light.

Looking at the clock on Cora's nightstand I see it's eleven a.m.

It's still too early for me so I go back to sleep.

When I wake up again I see that it's now one in the afternoon.

Sitting up I stretch my arms above my head. Looking to the left I see Cora is already gone.

Running a hand through my hair I knew I needed a shower. My hair was oily and it probably had whatever was in the air at that football game.

I get out of bed and rifle through my bag until I find a fresh pair of underwear, shorts and an old band t-shirt.

Then I leave her room and head next door to the bathroom.

That was the room separating Cora and Alex's room.

It is a small bathroom the two of them share.

It has a standing shower, a sink and a toilet. I guess they call that a half bath. Or are those the ones with no showers at all?

Pfft I don't know.

I make sure to lock the door before I start the water.

Stripping out of last nights clothes I throw them in the hamper before stepping into the shower.

I let the warm water sprinkle down on me. Showers always make me feel better. I feel so refreshed after. I guess that's because you are literally washing away dirt and grime from the day before.

Once I am done I step out and towel dry my hair. The mirror is fogged up so I wipe away as much of the condensation as I can.

I slip on my clothes before brushing my teeth.

Then I head down stairs to find something to eat.

The house is quiet and I assume Alex is either out or in his room.

Walking into the kitchen I begin going through the cabinets.

Cora's family is one of those health nut families. When I can I fill the back of the cabinets with food I like so I can actually eat when I am here.

Going through the cabinet closest to the fridge I push aside the unsalted almonds.

Jack pot.

My box of strawberry pop tarts are still there.

Reaching inside I pull out one of the tin foil packagings.

I put the end of the packaging between the front of my teeth as I put the unsalted almonds back in their place.

As I turn around I almost drop the bag out of my mouth.

Alex stands there leaning against the island counter.

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