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I wake up to a squeezing pain in my chest. I rub my palm against it trying to sooth the ache. I have never felt anything like this.

What the fuck?

Grabbing my phone I check the time, and see that I have a missed called and voicemail from Liv. 

I quickly unlock my phone and listen to the voicemail. The first thing I hear is her sniffle. Is she crying?

"Alex please don't be mad but I'm currently in my car. I know you told me not to drive out in the storm but I couldn't stay here. My dad he-he said some things and I needed to get out of there. I need to see you. So that's what I'm doing, I should be there soon or not you know how slow I drive in the rain. I am at the longest red light in history so don't worry I am not on the phone and driving. I called to hear your voice, to calm me down but then I looked at the time and realized you are probably sleeping. When I get there can you just hold me? I promise I'll tell you everything in the morning but I just need you. I'll see you in a few hours, I love you." 

The voicemail ends and I look back at the time. Even if she was driving slow she should be here by now. 

Maybe she went back to her moms or Cora saw her first and they were in her room.

She sounded like she was crying on the phone so it would make sense that she'd be with Cora right now. Especially since Cora never goes to sleep as early as me. 

I think about going over to her room and seeing if Liv is there but I decide against it. If she's in there possibly sleeping I don't want to disturb her.

The pain in my chest intensifies and I rub my palm harder. God what is this?

A foreign feeling in my gut begins to stir. Am I getting sick or something? 

There is a knock at my door and I wonder if it's Liv. 

Who else would be knocking at my door this late?

Quickly I dash over to it, if it's her I want to immediately pull her into a hug. 

For her to be in my arms, I think I might need it more than her. She's only been at her dads less than eight hours and I already miss her so damn much.

I open the door and the smile I was wearing disappears. 

Cora stands there, her head down. She isn't looking at me. 

Why isn't she looking at me?

The pain in my chest is still there and at this point I am clenching my chest. Doing whatever I can to relieve the ache.

"What?" I ask and she doesn't say anything. 

She just walks past me into my room, I shut the door behind her. 

Then I follow, walking past her before turning around to face her. 

"I think you should sit down." She says softly. She has yet to look up at me at by the tone of her voice she's worried how this news will affect me.

My heart is beating erratically in my chest. I just need her to spit out whatever she needs to. 

"No, now what is it?" I ask and she finally looks up at me. 

Her eyes are puffy as if she's been crying. 

"What happened are you ok?" I ask. That prick Landon better not have done anything to her.

She nods before quickly shaking her head, "I am ok, physically." She adds the last part quickly. 

This pain in my chest seriously won't go away. 

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