You promised pt1

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Gavin's Pov

I woke up the next morning with a headache, I groaned getting out of bed leaving my bedroom seeing Nines on the couch his LED was off and he was probably in sleep mode I decided to let him sleep going into the kitchen making myself some coffee, I heard footsteps I looked behind seeing Nines" Morning Gavin" he smiled hugging me from behind" are you okay?" He asked"yeah just have a headache" I responded, "are you okay to work do you have something you can take?" I shook my head no I didn't have anything to take"I'll be okay to work"I answered him hugging him back.

He nodded at that"we'll get you some aspirin on the way to work and I'll drive" I nodded to that putting my coffee into a flask throwing him my car keys when I got to my apartment door before leaving going to my car after locking the door. I got into my passenger seat waiting on nines

Nines POV

I got in the driver's seat starting the car and made my way to the store to get him some aspirin, once we go there I got pith the cats going in getting aspirin and water paying for it before going back to Gavin handing it to him"what's the water for?" He asked me looking at me" to take the pills with and to help with your headache" he said nothing to that just taking the pills and drinking the water as I drove to the DPD we got out going to our desks and I realised we had forgotten the cupcakes"shot you forgot the cupcakes, I could go back and get them"you do that I'll go get this new case Fowler put us on" I nodded standing up as Gavin did as well almost falling over, I managed to catch him before he fell. Once he got his balance back I left the DPD to going back to his apartment to grab cupcakes.

Gavin's POV

Once Nines left I went to go get the new case from Fowler leaving his office almost feeling again being caught by someone catch me before I fell but it wasn't Nines it was Connor he had caught me just before Nines got back. I heard nines coming back in before I passed out." seems you failed to notice that Detective Reed is not fit to work." he said to him" he was fine this morning he just have a headache but he was fine"

Nines POV

I could tell Connor didn't believe me even started say that I did this to him. I had enough of it smashing the cupcake that looked like him in his face leaving with Gavin putting him in his car and drove back to his apartment. Once I got back to his apartment I put him on his bed putting a blanket on him about to leave hearing him call for me he sounded so sick"can we cuddle?" He heard him ask, I joined him on his bed and cuddled him holding him close to me as he fell sleep in my arms.

I stayed with him as he slept. Soon I heard crying realising it was coming from Gavin he was having a nightmare" Gavin..." I said my LED turning yellow I panicked he eventually woke up and cuddled in to me again, he told me that he he has multiple at night and that he'd rather not talk about them which I respected. I decided to change the subject."what's that new case Fowler gave us?" I asked looking at him"a deviant Android" he responded "an leads so far?" I asked to which he shook his head "haven't looked at it yet" I nodded "I could take a look while you rest more"he nodded to that"nines can I tell you something you can't tell anyone else?" I nodded" I wear cat boxers" I smiled at that I thought he was a proud cat dad, I kissed his head going to the living room.

I sat on the couch and started looking at the case, they Android was an RK900 my model it made me panic i was the only active one I looked further into it the name of the deviant was Nines. My LED turned red looking it everything seemed to lead to me. I put it down it really scared me why did I all lead to me. At the moment I head Gavin coming our the bath room he must have snuck out"hey you okay your LED is red" he said sitting next to me" the new case leads to me.."I said and he hugged me"it's fine I'm sure it's not you nines don't worry". I calmed down my LED turning yellow "how are you feeling?"I asked him looking at him"

"I feel alittle better.. did I say anything embarrassing earlier?" He asked "you said you wear cat boxers" I responded to him which he didn't seem happy about"what? When were you planning on telling me this?!" He yelled at me my LED turning red again his yelled scared he got up leaving his apartment not coming back for a few days, as soon as he left pumpkin starting meowing. I went in my zen garden to calm down zen Gavin wasn't there but i did care I want to be alone right now, I opened my eyes hearing Gavin's had come back to my zen garden hearing it again I looked around me expecting to see my Zen Gavin but I didn't I was greeted by Ada a Jericho representative we went to see about the Android killing"Ada?" I questioned "hello Nines"she said"if your looking for your Gavin he's gone I deleted him" I glared at her she had even brought up the real Gavin it angered me. I eventually left my zen garden to pumpkin still meowing at the door I tried getting her over to me be she wouldn't move it came to the point where I couldn't take it"pumpkin!"I yelled at her making her hide, I managed to get her out I knew she missed him I did too"you want me to to find him don't you?"she meowed in response, I sighed to that "I'll find him" I get up going to find him I had an idea for where he would be, I walked past an ally way looking in to it"nines?!" It sounded like if was Gavin in destress.

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