" My father is part of the Italian Mafia . " He says and she couldn't believe her ears .

" What ? " She asked him.

" Yeah , my father's father was also a Don before my father. " Luca says .

" So it's a family business ? " She ask him ..

" You can call it . " He says scanning her lips..

" Are you going to take over after your father ? "She ask him .

Luca doesn't like to talk about the things his family is doing , mostly because he doesn't know much and to avoid any further questions from his future wife he just kissed her on her forehead.

" Goodnight. " He says leaving her alone.

Victoria was trying to get more answers out of him but she couldn't get more out of him. She took the dress of and it dropped to her feet. She pulled his clothes on and it fits . She got under the sheets of her brand new bed .

It took her a while to fall asleep but she fell asleep at last . She couldn't sleep through the night , she woke up a bunch of time and realised that she wasn't at home in her own bed she was in a new strange place where her father dumped her. When she finally woke up she was exhausted and her purse was on her bedside table.

She looked inside of her for her phone but it wasn't in there , she clearly remembered bringing her phone. It was taken away from her , so she doesn't have any way to reach out to her family or her best friend. The door open and she saw Luca. He was wearing a white tight tank top and navy blue plaid pajama pants . As he walked closer to him she couldn't help but notice his package wanting to bulge through the buttons of his pants.

" Where's my phone ? " She ask him .

" You'll get your phone eventually. " He says .

" I want my fucking phone now ! You cant just take it from me like you own it ! " She yells at him .

He pushed her down on bed , her hands above her head and his knee between her legs . His face close to hers . " Don't yell at me like that , I'm not your fucking father . I will kill you . " he says .

Victoria didn't know if she should be turned on or fear for her life . Him being all dangerous kinda turned her on .

She looked into his dangerous eyes." Is that a promise ?" She ask with a little sass.

He pulled her on leg around his hip and she takes in a deep breath when she felt his member now against her wet panties . He rubbed his lower body against hers. She pulled her lips inside her mouth preventing a moan from coming out.

" You're kinda wet . Am i making you wet ? " He smirks selectively before his faced moved down to her neck . His wet lips ticking her sensitive spot in her neck and i soft moan escapes her lips.

" Get the fuck off me ! " She yells at him trying fighting back but he was too strong.

" I can't wait for the day you allow me to fuck the living hell out of you . We'll enjoy ourselves. " He says letting go of her arms and she pushed him away from her.

Victoria didn't know why but she was really turned on by his " bad boy " talk. She didn't know what to do . After he left she went to go shut the door but she forgot to lock it. She flopped on her bed and pulled her black lace panties down.

She moved her fingers down to her entrance , her two fingers moving in a circular movement rubbing her clit. A slight moan escapes her lips before she entered her coochie. Her fingers moving in and out of her tight vagina that never been touched by anyone but herself.

Her muscle tightening around his her two middle fingers . She moved her fingers faster while fantasizing about Luca package inside of her tight vagina. The door quickly opened as she caught in the act , she quickly grabbed the white sheets covering her body . The embarrassment clear on her face as be closed the door.

He had two suitcases in his hand , she recognised the Louis Vuitton suitcases . It was a officially there was now going back home now.

" Wow , were you fantasizing about me while you were all up in there ? " He ask her grinning from ear to ear as he again walked closer her.

" No . " She lies as he got back ontop of her .

" I would like to know how you taste. "He says grabbing the hand that was inside of her vagina and stick it on his tongue tasting her vagina from her hands.

Luca had the urge to give him to her but was afraid that that's not what she wanted . As he licked her juice from fingers she felt his warm mouth . Her pussy was throbbing for his package but she didn't wanna give it up to him just like that.

" I will get my chance and I won't fuck it up . I'll give you ever inch. " He whispers into her ear seductively.

He got up and left her pussy throbbing as she watched him left her on the bed. She pulled her panties on and she couldn't believe that they were that close doing the deed.


- So another chapter completed, yay . Tell me what you think about this chapter and tell what you think about Luca and Vee . If you want visuals tell me and I'll tell you who i imagined as what character. Hope you enjoyed .

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