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Russo's POV

My vision was blurry as my eyes flicked open. I was still a bit tired and my leg was sore but hey, last night was one hell of a night. As my vision cleared up, I could see that the cellar door was cracked open a bit.

Strange. Thought I locked it up last night. Must have been too tired to lock it completely. I stood up and half limped to the door. I opened it and looked inside. Sabrina and DJ weren't in the spot they were left at.

I fake chuckled. "Very funny. Now show yourselves before I force you to." I walked down the stairs and looked around the empty room. No sign of either of them, except for the small puddles of their blood, which seemed to have been there the whole night.

"Sabrina? DJ? Where are you two goddammit!?" I started to get frustrated. Wait... if the door was cracked open, that means...

I sprinted up the stairs. How did they escape though? The door had no way to open from inside! What kind of weird stuff was going on? I swung open the door of the building and rushed out.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. "Sabrina! DJ! For God sake!" I felt like I would give out at some point soon. My face landed in cracked road. I stood up and regained my breath.

"Must have been a hard fall." There was a voice in the alley beside me. "Surprised you didn't react differently. Theres blood streaming down your nose." I wiped my nose with my hand, which was covered in blood.

"Erm, you were looking for your friends? Saw two people come across here last night-ish." I looked at the alleyway. "Which way did they go." I saw no movement, not even a figure. Only a voice. "Down that way. Dont know where they are now though."

I smirked. "Thanks.... weird alley person." There was a silence. The person was gone... Oh well. I continued to sprint down the street. "You cant run from me..."

Sabrina's POV

My head flew up from the floor where I slept, the sleeping Winter waking up from beside me. It was just a dream. Kreek and DJ were already awake. "Mo- Sabrina... I was having a good dream...!" Winter complained.

I chuckled a tiny bit before standing up. "So, where are we going today...?" Kreek smiled. "I decided that we should just stay here for the day... Russo may be out looking for you two anyways."

I shrugged. It would be an okay day I guess. "So. Where were you guys before the... thing hit?" I tried to think back. "I mean, we were just doing normal things." Dj said. "Preparing for new championships and stuff..."

Winter still sat in the floor near me. "I was living with my dad, still trying to get over the accident, so I decided to come here. But boom, big thing happened. Now im stuck here with people trying to kill me."

I processed her words for a moment. "If you dont mind me asking, what do you mean by 'the accident?'" She looked at me and blinked like I was crazy before standing up.

"So basically um.... I was sick one day and had to stay home with my dad while my mom and older brother went and got some stuff from the store. Not sure what happened, since I only heard about a car flying off the side of a steep cliff. All I know is that my mom and brother are dead now." She said in a rather cheery tone.

"Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that. Luckily you still have your dad." Her face went blank. "Still have? I'm gonna be honest, I dont know if my dad is still alive or not at the moment. But if he is then I know I want him to die."

Me, Kreek, and DJ looked at each other. "What?" Kreek asked. "How could you say that about your dad. He's like, one of the only people you have left in your family..." Winter nodded. "He is actually the only person in my family alive right now, if he is indeed alive as I stated earlier. Let's just say it's a long story."

It was quiet for a moment, before Dj spoke. "Hold up. So basically the only person you have is your dad... and you want him dead?" The small girl nodded again. "Yep!" Kreek whispered something in Djs ear, which I couldnt hear.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go spend some time alone. Bye bye!" She walked into the room she was staying in and shut the door. We just blinked at each other. "She concerns me..." Dj said again. "What kind of messed up stuff could her dad have done to make her want him dead?"

I shrugged. "Let's just hope it's her being naive, and not something else..." Kreek gently sighed. "Well, do you guys want to talk about something else? Like weird dreams and stuff we had over the time we've spent here."

I remembered that dream I had. "I had a dream where I was in this beautiful beach, with the water shining like diamonds. I was swimming and I came up to shore. I saw this weird seashell, so I picked it up, all of a sudden, my surroundings went black, and..."

I was cut off by talking. I looked towards the room Winter had just went in. It was clearly coming from there. I walked over slowly, the conversation becoming clearer.

"Where have you been this whole time?" She said, joyfully. I opened the door and walked in. Winter was sitting in the floor, facing the shadowy corner. Was she seeing things.

Kreek and DJ walked in behind me, and Kreek looked just as confused as me, but Dj looked horrified. "I-Its her..."

(DISCONTINUED, READ AUTHORS NOTE) Rb Battles - When The World EndsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant