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Winter POV

Colorful, pastel flowers surrounded me. Light green hills were all that surrounded, each containing more flowers. What was this place? It... It was beautiful. I plucked a flower and placed it in my hair. A lovely aroma blossomed in the air.

I leaned down to smell the flowers again. In the corner of my eye, I could see a long, black crack hidden under the flowers. I reached to feel it through the flowers. It was... smooth.

I felt shaking. I quickly stood and looked around. Similar cracks kept appearing around me. I heard a strange noise to my right. The earth was quickly crumbling to reveal black nothingness. I need to get out of here! I ran through the flowers, eager to escape. After a good couple of steps, I felt something around my wrists, pulling them up and keeping me in place.

Two long chains wrapped around my arms. The earth fumbled below me, leaving me dangling. I heard an echo of a sinister laugh. I turned to see a giant clown mask looking at me. It kept laughing. A large hand reached up and snapped the two chains, making me fall into nothingness.

I gasped for air. I looked at my surroundings, realizing I was in my building. It was just a bad dream. I stood up and got myself together. It didn't mean anything, did it? I reached for my black cloak. You know what? I reached towards my gray cloth coat instead. It's not like anyone would care.

Grabbing my dirtied croquet mallet, I walked out of the building. "Food and water. Possibly some weapons." I told myself. Anything would actually be helpful. Except if someone wanted to kill me. Those other people really did seem like they wanted to kill me...


I sat down, fiddling with my knife. Russo and Sabrina went looking for that girl, even though it was really no use. What bothered me, was that when Sabrina suggested that she could go and look for her, Russo panicked and said he would come too. Something is up with him.

Suddenly, Russo walked in. "So, no luck?" I ask. He shook his head. "I decided to come back early." Strange. "Russo, you two just left a few minutes ago. What kind of demon has gotten into you?"

He looked at me angrily. "What do you mean?! Nothing is wrong with me! I'm just surviving in the end of the world and-" I put my hands up. "It was just a joke, okay? Dont be so mad."

He wouldn't usually get so angry at that. Something really is suspicious.

???'s POV

"Is there anything out there?" I heard my friend call. "No. Nothing over here."

I walked back and looked at him, his hazel eyes glistening behind his mask. "Do you think we should... look for survivors?"

"We already found some, but it was bad luck."

(DISCONTINUED, READ AUTHORS NOTE) Rb Battles - When The World EndsWhere stories live. Discover now