"We don't know if she is, it's a scare but I'm sure it's just that."

Emma rolls her eyes, crossing her arms making it obvious she doesn't support what Monte's going through.

"I always knew something like this was going to happen. She's too wild. Always on and off with Liam. She has no stability and where are her parents?" Emma lectures like she understands what it's like to have a teenage daughter.

"Everyone has different circumstances, we don't know all of what she's going through so it's not our place to judge or place blame. We just need to be supportive of our friend and help her like how she would help us."

"She wouldn't help me." Emma mutters under her breath.

Ya know, part of me feels bad for Emma. I know she's in your face and doesn't like to know anyone elses opinion, but she's lonely. She'll never admit it and try to hide behind her religion, but it bothers her when she's not invite or has to cling onto Leah for friendship.

I honestly think she believes what she believes because her parents tell her to. It's not my place to say if her beliefs are right or wrong even if they don't match mine because I grew up differently from her.

I grew up with parents that explained sex and how to be safe with it. Some people don't have parents like that and I'm pretty sure Emma and Monte's parents never filled them in on contraception.

"Yeah she would." I assure Emma, even though I have no idea if it's true or not.

Like the universe freakin hates me, I spot Harry just when I think things can't get worse. Our eyes lock and I can see the frustration on his face while his jaw clenches. Of course everything today has to go to shit because our stare lingers a little too long and Emma looks over her shoulder to see what I'm looking at.

"What are you starring at pig?" She murmurs under her breath before rolling her eyes and looking back towards me.

"Don't call him that." I snap.

It's like I can't help myself when it comes to shoving my foot up my ass and causing my own problems. All of my problems are me made, I really need therapy.

She looks at me bewildered from my reaction while Harry catches the tail end of are conversation and sends me a smug smirk.

I glare at him before turning my attention to Emma about to explain myself when her eyes widen and lips part in realization of something. Before she can even speak, I quickly lunge forward and smack my hand against her mouth to stop whatever she was most likely going to scream to a third of our school walking past us.

Harry already being long gone since he pasted us walking back to his dealing wall, leaves me to have to forcefully drag Emma to the women's bathroom.

The number of stares I get from students and parents walking by is concerning to say the least. I mean I didn't really think this through, I'm dragging a young girl that's shorter than me with my hand over her mouth towards a private building with a lock on the door.

My eyes scan the poorly lite communal restroom, seeing two girls that I don't know talking by the mirrors. Their conversation stops once they lay eyes on Emma and I.

"Out." Is all I have to say for the two of them to bolt out of the room like their asses are on fire.

Once they leave I quickly run over to the door and twist the lock. With Emma leaning against the sinks looking as confused as ever, I check under the stalls to make sure no one else is in the restroom. Once I've secured that we're in private I turn back to Emma to clear up whatever is running through her head.

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