"Emery" Draco hissed in outrage. His pale skin turning an unhealthy shade of red.

Harry had started laughing with tears streaming down his face in joy. This was the happiest he'd been in a while now and he was glad it was for those reasons.

"Whoops?" she shrugged, before gobbling down some bacon. The whole hall was having a jolly time apart from the people seated at the staff table. 

Dumbledore had finally found the reason why Harry wasn't fully submissive to him. Emery was behind the curtains pulling all the strings and ensuring that Harry thought everything through. Dumbledore needed a risky boy, a boy like James Potter, who didn't put much thought into thinking Dumbeldore's plans through. 

While Dumbledore was slightly angry he made sure not to show it and gladly laughed along, although not as carefree as it should have been. 

McGonagall on the other hand had nothing to fake. She was glad that Harry had a happy home and that he was cared for by someone outside of this school. Although she was incredibly happy at the thought, something was off about Emery.

She remembered a girl in Slytherin. She was brilliantly smart and one of the kindest souls she had ever met. Of course, Mcgonagall preferred to admire her from afar but she definitely went into the scrapbook of children she admired and loved. 

Her name had been Athena. She had taught her transfiguration and given her detentions due to the girl's pranking origins. She could have put the Weasley twins and the Marauders to the test. Athena was lovely but she had disappeared and was never seen again apart from the reunion they had around 5 years after they had graduated. 

Athena didn't have a great many friends but she was rather close to Pollux Black, Sirius's grandfather. The two had been peas in a pod and you could never see one without the other, apart from classes. They closely reminded the old teacher of Lily and Remus. Two souls that found comfort in the presence of one another. 

Shaking her head to rid her thoughts of the old student she continued to observe Emery. Athena was left-handed. Emery appeared to be prodding her food with her left hand while her right hand remained immobile. Athena preferred the company of males over females. Emery was happily chattering with both genders blissfully unaware of her assessment. She reprimanded herself thoroughly, now was not the time and she needed to stop. 

Emery tugged on Harry's arm before walking up to the Astronomy tower. She settled on the edge before patting the spot for Harry to sit on. 

"How do you know where this is?" he questioned. 

"I used to attend this school you nitwit, not tell me everything" Emery lightly scolded. Harry took a breath before looking at the stunning black lake that sat situated.

"It doesn't matter. It'll never happen" he started. He didn't get far before Emery slightly slapped his shoulder. 

"Love always finds a way," she said softly, smiling at him. 

"He's just, I don't know, he's everything. He's wicked smart, well not as much as Hermione, but he's still smart you know? He's really good looking too, but that's not important, I mean I'd still like him if he looked like an ostrich." he droned on. Emery was trying her absolute hardest not to laugh at him, it was adorable.

"And the way he talks, it's like butter on toast. He's so cold you wouldn't believe it, but it's not an ugly type of cold it's nice on a summer's day cold. Oh, he always smells like peppermint, not that I've ever smelt it though, that's what everyone says, but I smell cinnamon which is really nice 'cause it reminds me of Christmas and his hair is so fluffy. Like it's like snow but it doesn't melt and it's so white and pure and lovely. And his accent is British but there's a hint of french in there which is really hot-" Emery cut him off by laughing. Harry flushed a blood-red realising he had ranted about how Draco Malfoy was so lovely. 

"Clearly someone has been incredibly busy" she snickered, knocking shoulders with his. He groaned in embarrassment.  

"Mum" he groaned. 

"I'm sorry lovie, you know I love you" she chortled. Harry grumbled before nodding in understanding. 

"Harry, you clearly like him a lot more than you think you do" Emery started and when Harry made a move to interrupt her she held her hand up stopping him. "And don't say it'll never happen, baby, you've got to make it happen. Fate doesn't just do it, you've got to make it." she whispered, nudging his nose. 

"I know, but I'm scared," he muttered, looking down. 

"Of what?" she question. 

"What if I fall?" 

"Oh but my darling, what if you fly?"


Authors Note:

Just wanted to thank everyone for reading my book and voting. I'm so happy with all the support and couldn't be happier that people are actually enjoying it. 



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