21 : r e s c u e s . a n d . p la n s

Start from the beginning

As they had prepared to leave, Levy was able to find a good amount of information revolving around the guild mark that Verani had described. It belonged to a dark guild known as Fire Bird. Though they weren't known for taking action, there was no shortage of reports regarding their strength. Unfortunately, the reports only confirmed the three members that Verani had described to them: the poison user who could teleport, the magical sniper, and the storm user. The only other person who had been sighted was a blonde who could do something with clothing.

Once they arrived at the location Verani had given them, the Dragon Slayers would put their noses to the test and try to pinpoint which direction the girls had been taken. If it had been too long, enough of them had come so they could split up and keep searching. There was no time to waste on going the wrong direction, especially after what Master had shared with the two S-class mages.

"Master?" Erza asked in wonder as to why the old man had requested everyone leave the infirmary but her and Laxus. Verani was including, but because she obviously couldn't go anywhere at the moment.

"What's really going on?" Laxus crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall near the head of his sister's bed.

Master sighed, "Verani, you can interrupt me or add to what I say if I get anything wrong or leave anything out." He met her gaze, her hazel eyes peering at him in confusion. "I'm sure you have a far better understanding of Kia's magic with how close the two of you are."

Everything suddenly clicked in her head before she nodded, "Got it."

"As you both are aware, Kia uses what is called Phoenix Slayer magic. Considered a Lost magic, there have been a few interested parties in the past who have tried to learn more about it as well as how to utilize it for their own personal gain."

Erza's armor clanked lightly as she casually rested her arms across her stomach, "And that's what these attackers are after?"

Master sighed again, "I wish it were that simple."

Laxus and Erza shared a look for a second before turning back.

"If they truly said that they were needing Kia for her flame, then it is likely that they don't care about learning about her magic. They already know a fair amount if they even know that her flame exists."

Laxus quirked a brow, "Her flame?"

"I guess the best way to think about it would be to compare it to your lacrima," Verani finally spoke. "Just like you have access to your Dragon Slayer magic because of that lacrima, Kia has a special phoenix flame that flickers inside her. It fuels her magic."

The two S-class watched the blonde as she picked at a loose thread of the sheets in her lap. It was painfully clear that there was something else.

"Yes," Master stepped in, "that is how Kia explained it to me when she first joined the guild. But she also said that wasn't all there was to her magic or power, that there were a few other variables and factors. Is this correct?"

Verani nodded, her teeth finding her bottom lip. Her mind was slowly wrapping around everything that had happened, everything that her grandfather had said, and where it was all leading to.

"Grandpa," her voice was low, "you don't think they want to try and take it from her, do you?"

"That's exactly what I fear."

Her heart stopped, her whole body going rigid.

"They can't!" Her sudden outburst startled Laxus and Erza, their eyes widening at her. "It doesn't work that way! It will just-!"

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