Everyone agreed with this idea and began to walk outside. Darvus saw his parents and took Caria along with him to greet them, as Stannard saw Gideon's apprentice Emily and went to talk with her. Thomas saw Gideon building a plate of hors d'oeuvers and went to talk to him, as Jerry followed just for the free food. A young elf boy with long blonde hair came and greeted Ellie and she ran off with him, as Boo followed as he fought the urge to scare him off since Ellie seemed to want to go with him. Tess, Claire, and Theo all felt something was awfully familiar about this boy, but couldn't place why.

Claire, Theo, and Tess stood by a tall table and enjoyed the beautiful view. Subconsciously Claire leaned into Theo as he put an arm around her, and Tess wished Arthur was there to enjoy it with her.

"Hello everyone," a familiar male voice greeted.

The three of them turned around to see Lunaris and Kathyln, their arms hooked together. Lunaris was wearing a black and grey suit with red accents, and a white mantle with a gold trim, while Kathyln wore a shimmering white dress.

"Kathyln, Lunaris, it's so good to see you," Tess greeted.

"Now don't you two look like a cute couple," Claire coo'd as she admired how well their clothing complemented one another.

Lunaris bowed his head to Tess and Claire, and gave Theo a firm handshake, as the girls greeted each other with a gentle hug.

"So will Curtis be joining us? Or did your father refuse to allow Lilia to attend?" Tess asked.

"No, Curtis said Lilia was scheduled to arrive back tonight and he wanted her to have a relaxing time with him. As for our father," a small smile formed on Kathyln's face. "I believe he's learning quickly not to fight Curtis when it comes to Lilia."

"How so?" Claire asked.

"Curtis pretty much gave our father the silent treatment since the announcement. He completely ignored him even when he was talking right to him," Kathyln replied.

"Why does your father seem to have a problem with Lilia? I thought he was friends with her father?" Tess asked.

"The Helstea's might be rich, but they aren't nobles. Despite what our father said, he wants Curtis and I to marry into noble families."

"Wait, is that why you're dating me?" Lunaris asked, over exaggerating a hurt tone and expression.

A small warm smile formed on Kathyln's face. "No, but it does make things easier for us." Lunaris leaned in and the two shared a short gentle kiss.

"That's got to be hard on Lilia," Claire commented with a saddened tone.

"Curtis does his best to hide this from her, but it doesn't help that our father introduces him to young women from noble families nearly every time they see each other, even if Lilia is there." Kathyln shook her head in a disappointed manner. "I'm worried about what might happen to her if this keeps up. Not having our parents' approval and trying to set him up, I'm worried if she'll be able to last until our father eventually breaks."

"Why can't Curtis just tell him to stop? And what about your mother? Surely she doesn't support this?" Claire asked.

"Our father is someone difficult to oppose. Curtis tried having a civilized talk with father to get him to stop, but then he forced him into Lancer Academy to separate them. As for our mother, she doesn't support father, but he won't stop. Right now they don't even sleep in the same room anymore. Everything you see between them is her doing her duty and keeping up appearances. She doesn't want anyone to think there are any weaknesses in the council."

After the talk of the Glayder family, everyone tried to move the conversation to happier topics. Seeing as Kathyln was assigned to defend the wall and Lunaris to a unit in the beast glades clearing dungeons, Tess was curious as to how they managed to maintain their relationship.

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