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TW: mention of s/h

I was walking down the street, ready to get home when I notice a truck and a few people bringing some furniture into my building. A new neighbor? Alright, I just hope they're not noisy and we won't have any problem. I pass by all the rush and I walk up the stairs. I hear someone walking down and i look up. The second my eyes met those of the girl coming down, I felt my heart sink. She was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I smile and reach my hand out to her.

« You must be the new neighbor, I'm Ashlynn, Ash for short. Floor 2. »

« Oh hi there! I'm Lydia, I'm just moving into Floor 3! Nice meeting you! » She shakes my hand energetically

« Need any help? »

I look at the men having a hard time carrying her stuff.

« Uhm, I don't wanna bother but yes please. They're kinda struggling.. »

We both laugh a bit since the stuff didn't even look that heavy.
I walk down and single-handedly carry a night table and a little book shelf on my other hand. The men's eyes opened wide at my gesture and hurried themselves, feeling a bit embarrassed.
I walked up and down a couple of times, and we soon were done moving all Lydia's stuff into her house. She pays the moving guys and they leave—run.
She turns her attention to me and thanks me.

« Want some lemonade? »

« I'll gladly accept. Making effort made me thirsty »

I wink right after saying this and she quickly turns around to prepare the drink

We discussed a little while we drank our lemonades and I left back home.

« Please visit soon! I'm living alone so I know it'll get lonely sooner or later. »

« I felt that haha- Well you should come over as well! You're always welcome »

With that said, I went downstairs and flipped myself onto my bed. What a day. I just met the most gorgeous girl ever and I helped her move in. Right in the floor on top of mine. Wow.
I laugh at myself, I felt like a teenager having a crush. I unlock my phone and facetime my best friend.

« Hey loser »

« What's up lol »

« You'll never guess what »

She looked up from her notes and I spilled all the tea. This reminds me of the good old high school days when we used to go crazy over the smallest things that happened.

« GIRL OMGOMGOMG » she yells out « You will soon have a girlfriend. My crystals can confirm that too. »

« Lend me some, I'll start manifesting her bro »

We both laugh and chat a bit before I let her finish her work.

I get up from bed and head to the shower. The cold water drops hit my skin like tiny blades and I felt my body tense up at first, then relax. I let my thoughts wander off. My relationships have always been a big mess and ended up in disastrous heartbreaks. What makes me believe that it'll be worth it trying something with this new girl? We're neighbors, so if anything was to happen, it'll just make things awkward and we'll have to see each other everyday since were in the same building.
I shake my thoughts off since they started going back to my ex boyfriends and girlfriends and finish up showering.

I dress up and dry my hair with a towel. I realized that it was getting long so I grabbed a pair of hair scissors and chopped off my bangs and the back. All good now. Short wolf cut is back. I look in the mirror, satisfied with the haircut results and head to the kitchen to grab food. I sat down on the couch and started watching TV, when I heard the doorbell ring. Gosh who might it be? It's late already ugh.

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