Start from the beginning

"You are good enough." I said. "It's not even about that cause that's not our issue. It's about the way you act. You not affectionate about my feelings and that shit make me feel some type of way sometimes."

"Ok." She said nodding her head.

"Ion know," I said with a shrug. "I feel like I'm always there for your feelings and I cater to you which ion gotta problem with because I like treating you right but when it come down to me youn always be understanding or try to understand."


"And yeah, that's all fahreal." I said. She keep saying ok and nodding her head. Ion wanna laugh but this shit weird as fuck to me.

"I'll do better." She said. "Thanks for telling me."

I watched as she kissed my cheek and got off me. She started walking out the room causing me to furrow my eyebrows. I was confused on what was up with her. She was just extra calm and it was catching me off guard.

Maybe she tryna kill me like her daddy did.


I walked down the hallway of my shop and looked at the progress that they were making. Me and my assistant Lila was just checking stuff out before I gave her more assignments.

"The guy you hired for the art is making really good progress. It looks really good." She said looking up at me. She was shorter than me but she wasn't shorter than Muga. She was lightskin petite girl who was pretty tall for a women.

I could tell she was athletic from her build.

I wasn't looking at her like that though. Everything was professional between us because to be real, she couldn't do nothing for me that Muga wasn't doing.

When I go into business with somebody it stay that way cause I ain't got time for none of that extra shit. I wouldn't disrespect my girl and I wouldn't want her to feel like she can't trust me because of some silly shit so I keep shit strictly professional.

I nodded my head. "And that car?" I asked.

"We got it towed away. Nobody came for it so it clearly was here from the last people who were occupying this space." She said.

"Ion want nothing from the last space. Shit can get fucked up and shit like that. We don't want that cause we don't know what type of business they used to run, y'know?" She nodded.

"I understand." She said before smiling. "Now on a lighter note, I did get that bouquet of roses sent to that address for you and those fruits but the only problem we have right now is..."

"Is?" My eyebrow raised.

"Some man came here the other with some other guys asking questions about you. They wanted me to tell you that they wanted to talk to you about something important."

I eyed her. "Something important?"

"Yeah.." She said. "They kept throwing business in my face and I'm like I'm his assistant so if you want to talk to him I need to know what it's about so I can let you know and you can tell me what to do moving forward. That's how businesses work."

"Right." I agreed. "What they say that wanted?"

"Never said. They said you'll know what they mean and something about it's time. I'm like whatever bro just leave because now you're being weird." She said, I huffed and shook my head.

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