**Final Words**

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Final Authors Note :,)

Well well well, we've reached the end.

Firstly I'd like to say that I'm sorry if this is not how you wanted the story to end. I started this story with this end in mind and it didn't feel fair to myself to change it just because it gained a lot of reads. If you do like my writing style (and don't completely hate me currently) I will be now continuing the story "Astronomy" that is already posted to my page and IT WILL have a happy ending.

Second, I'd like to say thankyou from the bottom of my heart for all of the endless support I've received. Finishing this book is such a bitter sweet feeling. This book is like my child and I hate to let it go. However I'm very proud of how it turned out and I'm content with it. Thankyou everyone for going on this journey with me and I'm so glad so many of you liked this book, I would have never imagined it grew as much as it did.

Third, I want to say how amazing you all are. I'm so thankful for each one of you and I hope everyone is doing well. Make sure you're taking care of yourselves, go eat something and drink water and make sure you get rest. You are all so very loved and all of your feelings are valid.

Lastly, just thankyou guys again. Once again I'm sorry if the ending disappointed you, but my other book will be a happy ending :) thankyou guys for always being patient and I've loved ready every single one of your comments. You guys will always hold a special place in my heart.

Thankyou for reading Playing With Fire, and I'll see you around :)

-S <3

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