**Chapter One**

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•CW- party's and underage drinking

"No Wilbur, I've already told you I'm not coming"

   George angrily tapped his fingers against his screen and threw his phone onto his bed. He had finally gotten settled into his dorm room after his long day of moving in. Just as he was walking to turn off his lights he heard his phone ding. He trudged back over and grabbed his phone.

"Come on George, school starts in a few days and this will be your perfect opportunity to meet some of my friends and other people"

   Wilbur was right, of course he was right. He was also right about George moving to Florida to finish college, claiming it will help his mental health and give him a new outlook on life. Wilbur and him had been best friends since first grade, hopping around different friend groups all throughout middle school and high-school. Wilbur had been George's only constant friend. That's why it was so devastating when he moved to the US for college. George had no issues making friends, but no one could ever compare to Wilbur.

"Fine, pick me up in 15"

   The brunet once again threw his phone on his bed and went to go put on something presentable. It was a party after all, and first impressions had always been important to the boy.
    He quickly washed his face and ruffled his hair. He slipped on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a black t shirt with a blue and green flannel over it, and completed the look with a few chains and rings. Before he knew it he heard a knock on his door.

  "Hey man! I haven't seen you in forever!" Wilbur exclaimed throwing his arms around the smaller boy. George happily hugged back and laughed, grabbing his phone and wallet before him and his best friend walked out the door and down to the taller's car.

   "I can't wait to introduce you to my friends, you'll love them!" Wilbur excitedly announced.

    George didn't doubt this, seeing that him and Wilbur were quite alike in the social spectrum. They quickly fell into comfortable conversations as they made the 10 minute drive to their location. When they arrived, colorful lights and loud music crept out of the windows of the huge house.

"So this house belongs to Sapnap and Punz, they rent this out every school year and basically throw parties every weekend" Wilbur explained.

    George took note as they made their way to the front door. Wilbur pushed it open and quickly began talking to people as they navigated the maze that was  the downstairs. The living room had two couches, both filled with people drinking, talking, and making out. The source of the loud noise came from the giant speakers in the corners of the living room, the bass could be felt through the entire house. The kitchen was huge, having a large island in the middle and a bar that looks out into the living room, both were covered in various bottles on alcohol.

   Wilbur lead George to the back door, and of course the back yard was also huge. Many people could be found in the pool and more speakers were outside to keep the music playing. The house was by a lake and a forest, no neighbors to be seen.

   Wilbur seemed to have found who he was looking for as he approached a boy in a navy blue beanie.

"Big Q! Hey dude!" Wilbur exclaimed over the loud music.

The boy happily came up to them, drink in hand and greeted the two with impossibly more enthusiasm than he already had.

  "Wilbur, man, hey! I didn't think you could make it to this one?" The boy questioned.

  "I wasn't going to, but then George over here decided he would come," Wilbur explained motioning to George.

  "Ah that's right! George nice to meet you! My name is Quackity but all my friends call me Big Q!"

  George laughed at this and was unexpectedly brought into a hug, it was obvious Quackity had a few drinks in him, but George didn't care. He was no stranger to parties. Him and Wilbur used to attend all of them back in high school.

  "Well it seems like you guys are missing some drinks, let's go get you some!" The black hair boy demanded.

   Wilbur followed him and George followed Wilbur into the kitchen. Big Q mixed a bunch of liquids and handed each boy a red solo cup. Once again, George was no stranger to parties, however he knew his limit. He never drank to the point he couldn't remember or couldn't control himself.

   "All the rest of the boys are down in the basement, let's go," Quackity said as he turned to go into a hallway.

    George took a sip of his drink, swallowing harshly due to the taste. Because wow, did this guy know how to make a drink strong. He followed the other two to the end of the hall where they entered a door with stairs leading down to the basement. As they walked down the stairs George could see the colorful lights beaming up and the sound of talking. Suddenly Wilbur turned around and leaned in so he could talk a little quieter so only George could hear him.

   "These guys are all really nice, you'll definitely like them. However just be cautious around Dream, he's the tall blonde. He's nice it just takes him a while to warm up," Wilbur then turned around and continued waking, leaving George wondering.

Hey guys! So this is my new story, I'm hopping i keep up the motivation for this one but I'm really excited to see where it takes me :) I don't know my upload schedule or how short/long chapters will be so we will just have to see! If you're reading this, thankyou and i hope you enjoy!


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