Diary of a Black Fifteen Year Old Prodigy

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Chapter Two


April 15

6:30 PM

As I shut the door, I turned to my sister Renee who was in the driver seat and I was in the passenger seat as well as my friends in the back.

I said, "Hey sis, how was work."

"Boring as usual, if Billy Clarke keeps breathing down my neck for five hours I might strangle him and go to jail for assault or in my definition "ass-kicking" she said.

I laughed.

"So how was your day?" Renee asked, as we turned the corner of James Avenue.

"It was okay, watched T.V. and wrote in my diary" I said.

"You actually have a diary?" JT interrupted.

"Yeah, I do" I said. "Is that a---

"Problem!" Renee finished for me.

"No" said JT as he backed up closer to his spot near the window.

JT was kind of scared of Renee because when it was my fifth birthday Renee delivered the cake to the table and JT had said "Ugh, she's here" and Renee took a piece of cake and smashed it into his face as well as drowning in the a tub of water which had him all soaking wet. He was pissed off that day and went home early right before presents. He was scared of her ever since.

It was quiet for the rest of the drive since it was obviously nothing to talk about and the anticipation of going to carnival "chillin" and speaking to girls. (Or in JT's case "the digits")

It was always JT's motive to get a girl's digits and go. As soon as he talks to them on the phone, he uses his mack-daddy charm and I couldn't believe it worked! She wasn't mad at him at all, just smooth and calm. But the bad part JT doing that is that they never want to stop talking to him which makes me mad because I get tired of the on and off conversations they be having. If you were there you'll be driven cuckoo- bananas.

Ten minutes later, we saw the sign of the carnival and we found a parking spot and you could hear the noise and laughter of the crowd in the car.

"Yes, were finally here it's time for the ladies" said JT.

"What do you know about that?" Renee asked.

"Know more than you, beautiful" said JT.

Renee stuck her tongue out at him.

I would expect JT to flip the finger but he decided not to since after the birthday party.

I kissed Renee and we left out the car and headed into the carnival where there was a whole mass of people. Some had cotton candy in their hands, others on the cool, massive rides, and others were in packs, talking and laughing.

Not only was there happy groups of people there were some mean and one of them had the school and neighborhood bully: Lorenzo.

Lorenzo Perkins was the dumbest, but toughest kid in the whole school. He took boxing all his life and didn't give a damn about no one but himself and he did some things outlaws would do in a school and neighborhood.

Like smoke weed, have switchblades on himself at all times, drink beer, mess around with all the girls who were too scared to refuse to hang around with him. Crime after crime, whatever you say he'll do it as long as death ain't got anything to do with it. Also when he hit the 11th grade he was expelled for slashing a kid's wrist and he had to go to the hospital for it. I knew since Lorenzo was here I definitely sniffed trouble especially at a carnival.

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