Subject: Ouch

          I can see you ignoring me.


The hairs on my arm stood, and I raked the room until my gaze landed on a booth in the opposite corner. Elijah was looking at me, lips stretched as he waved two fingers. His teammates sat together in their baseball uniforms, drinking coffee and laughing like they were in their own bubble. But Elijah popped it by holding up his phone and frowning.

I already knew what he was alluding to. He was relentless, but part of me enjoyed watching him pine, so I mocked him by grimacing.

He looked at his phone again, and I fidgeted with my cup, waiting for the next notification.

"Is Penelope coming out with us on Friday?" Iya asked.

"We're going out?" I said, surprised.

Lucy gaped. "Of course we are. The frat is throwing a party on the beach."

It's nice Lucy uses her sorority connections to get us into frats, but I have no interest in going out. Not even to the baseball house, which I've yet to tell them we were invited to.

I've spent the last couple of weekends on the go and have had little time to myself. Though I wasn't planning on telling the girls I'm staying in and kill the mood today.




Subject: Still ouch

          You're making me look desperate, Van Gogh.


Chewing on my cheek to stifle a smile, I speedily typed—




Subject: Man up 

          All I did was not reply. The rest you did by yourself, Eli.


I glanced over my shoulder. His mouth was ajar, but there was an amused look hidden behind his dampened expression. Their entire table stood, including Elijah, and he didn't look in my direction as they exited the cafe.

Like metal to a magnet, I stared at his ass.

His white baseball pants clung to his legs and accented each cheek as if the fabric was painted on his body. I made a pained sound under my breath. Why was I thinking about his ass?



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