Incorrect quote ✨

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Yaya *answering a quiz*: this is hard af !

Ying: You shouldn't said that here !

Boboiboy *confused*: what does you mean by af ?

Fang who already know: imagine he being like Adrien

Boboiboy: but seriously, what does af mean ?

Ying *speaking in Japan*: どうやって彼に恋をしたの!? (How did you even fall in love with him !?)

Yaya: どうやって彼に恋をしたの!(I don't even know anymore)

Gopal *frustrated*: Dey, can you stop speaking the language that we cannot know

Fang: if only you know what they were saying


Ying *kneeling*: Yaya, I have something to tell you

Everyone look at Ying weirdly

Yaya: What is it?

Ying *took out a realistic cake ring and box on her hand*: Will you marry me ?

Everyone were shock except Yaya who knows that it was a cake

Yaya: of course Ying! (Take the ring and eat it)

Gopal *shocked*: what the Frick !?

Fang *shock and jealous*: what am I just witness right now !?

Boboiboy: I don't even know if this a dream or reality !


Ying: I have no friends (sad music came in)

Fang: Bish what am I, a cockroach !?

Ying: no, you my annoying boyfriend

Fang: I prefer handsome than annoying

Gopal *watching from a far*: why am I still single ಥ‿ಥ


Yaya: *laughing silently in the midnight while watching Demon slayer movie*

Boboiboy,Ying,Fang and Gopal: *watching her from a far*

Yaya: lol,I can't believe he just cut his head like that

Ying *whispering*: What kind of story does she watch right now !?

Fang *whispering*: I don't know but she crying right now !

Yaya: I c-can't believe he died...
Boboiboy: *get out from the hiding place* Who is dead !?

Yaya: My beloved R-rengoku...

*Ying start crying too*

Ying: How dare you watching that without me !

Gopal: Dey, who is rengoku ?

Fang: the characters from Anime that they both were simping for 😐

Boboiboy: are they really crying just on a anime boy ?


Yaya: the food is too hot

Boboiboy: you also hot and I can still eat you

Gopal *breath deeply*: I just want ONE DINNER !


Yaya: are you In love with fang ? 😏

Ying: N-no

Yaya: then why does there were many F+Y in a heart every page in your book ?

Ying: it stand for Fish and yogurt 😅


Fang: Do you have a girlfriend?

Gopal: yes but she live in other nation

Boboiboy: what kind of nation ?

Gopal: My imagination..ಥ‿ಥ


Fang: Quick, take my hand !

Ying: *hold his hand* now what ?

Fang: nothing, I just wanna hold your hand 😉


Yaya and Ying singing AOT opening

Boboiboy: Fang,this is the 5th time they sing. What kind of song does they sing ?

Fang: they sing the Aot opening

Boboiboy: Aot, what is that ?

Gopal: attack on Titan, the popular anime

Boboiboy: oh god, I'm gonna die if this will be goin more than 1 month

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