Chapter 5☕

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Location: meeting room
Pov: no one
Day: Monday

After everyone took their seat,Yaya decide to sit next to her fairy guardian.

"You see,planet celestial is just the same as earth. They both have human and living thing but at Planet Celestial, they have many future thing at there than Earth. Yaya actually was from Planet Celestial and not Earth." The fairy explain and then Ying ask.

"Then why does she was on earth?". The fairy take a deep breath and say "there was a war goin on that planet".

Yaya just let her head down and let the fairy explained the whole things.

"You see,Yaya father is a guard to the power sphera name gelbot and he cannot let anyone touch the power sphera, even his daughter" the fairy want to continued but she was cut off by Fang.

"What will happened if we touch it?" Fang ask and the fairy say "I was bout to explained it idiot".


"One day,Yaya sneak out from her house just to see the power sphera because she never see one in her life before.

At that time Yaya was 5 and you known that kid love shiny thing so Yaya accidentally touch the gelbot.

The gelbot is just the same as ochobot but it give power to anyone who touch it and that how Yaya has the healing,veins or flower aka me and dark orbit power from the gelbot and the gravity power from ochobot" the fairy say and the other was shock on what they just heard.

"So that why you don't have any scar when we back from the battle!" Gopal shout and Yaya just nod.

"Ochobot just give you guys a watch that have a power in it right?" The fairy ask and they all nod.

"well, Yaya power is natural. So her power can't be take away from anyone except midnight" the fairy say with a scary tone and that make them shiver a bit.


"Who is midnight Ivy?" Yaya ask her fairy guardian and she say "Do you remembered that you were dreaming bout everyone is death and you meeting someone right?".

Yaya nod and the fairy say "that midnight, she is your dark orbit power. Even tough Boboiboy has the solar power but he can't defeated the dark orbit and if she get out from that gem before you could met the elemental guardian, the world would end!".

Everyone was scare because if Boboiboy power couldn't defeated Yaya power,then they all will die.


"So how can I met the guardian?" Yaya ask and the fairy say "all you have to do is bring back the gelbot" the other was curious why it was so easy.

"Is that it?" Ying ask and the fairy just giggle.

"ofc its not silly!" The fairy look at Yaya and Boboiboy.

"Because you both have all the elements power,only you guys can go met the guardian" the fairy while Boboiboy and Yaya blush a bit because it will be 2 of them alone.

"are we gonna lose our power if we get there?" boboiboy ask and the fairy just shook in no.

"When you guys reach there,it has 5 level and each level has a test for you both on how you success on using the power. If you guys pass all the level,your power will not be taking away" The fairy explained and they all sigh in happiness.

"So where was the place that they have to go miss Ivy?" Commander Kokochi ask the fairy.


"They have to go to the planet Crown but you guys couldn't make it by spaceship because it was out from the solar sistem and only the person that have elemental power can get in the planet. So I guess ochobot known that place!" The fairy smile and ochobot just nod.

"So now you were out from that jewel,is the flower power still in me?" Yaya ask and her fairy guardian giggle.

"Ofc my princess,it naturally in your body now and my job is to proctect you same as your heal angel aka your healing power".

her guardian fairy explain and boboiboy say "I wish I had an guardian too" they all just laugh at Boboiboy action.

"Alright then,go get the power sphera and Capten Kaizo will be there too" Commander Kokochi remind them,they all nod and run to Captain Kaizo spaceship that were waiting for them so long.


Captain Kaizo already knew bout all the talk that were on the meeting room because he was watching it at the cctv in the meeting room that he just put.

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