chapter 7☃️

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Day: Tuesday
Location: tapops

They all were still tired from yesterday mission and they all get a day off but sadly Boboiboy and Yaya have to pack some clothes,tent, food and medical kit to bring for tomorrow.

"Yaya,I'm goin to the arcade room. You wanna come too ?" Ying ask her best friend that were busy reading bout something.

"no thx Ying, you can go" Yaya answer Ying with her usual smile and Ying nod as she left the room.

Yaya is actually reading bout magic book that gelbot give her,it say that she might used it in the mission.

"gelbot, does every choosen one will die when they can't defeated the dark orbit that were already out from the jewel?" Yaya ask confused at the gelbot that were sitting next to her.

"there was a bit chance for the choosen one to defeat it but the dark orbit will die if you die too" Gelbot explain as it look at the jewel that were on Yaya neck.

"so if I'm were weak or tired, then it a big chance Boboiboy can attacks it too!" Yaya say shouting happily as she shut the book and put in on her lap.

" yes but there is another way to defeat it too" Gelbot say as it calm Yaya a bit.

"how will we do it then ?" Yaya ask excited because it will be a big chance for her to defeat her dark orbit power and bring it back to normal, I mean the dark orbit will be no longer evil and will be Yaya guardian too.

"actually, you have to do it by yourself" gelbot say as it look at ivy the fairy guardian to let her explain.

"You see, you have to combined all of your power with the 3 jewel and you will defeat the dark orbit but you also will wake up after 2 week" The fairy say while sitting next to Yaya too.

"that doesn't seem so bad right" Yaya say nervously because she just have to combined it with her power, it not that hard.

"honey,you can do it when the dark orbit came out of the jewel and it impossible to do it because the dark orbit were already wore it own jewel but if you success doin it then you don't have to worry of losing your power because your power will also recover as in the 2 week" the fairy explain a bit happy bout the ending.

Yaya found it a bit happy and also sad, what if she will not succeed to get the dark orbit jewel and it will be her fault for bringing everyone to their death.

The fairy hug Yaya as Yaya start to tearing up a bit thinking what will happen if she not succeed defeat it.

"it will be okay Yaya, I'm sure there will a big chance for you to defeat it" gelbot say cheering Yaya a bit and the fairy nod.

"yes and Boboiboy is also will be there with you tomorrow right" the fairy say looking at the Yaya that were smiling sadly.

"but will you be there to help us defeat the monster when we arrive to meet the guardian?" Yaya ask the guardian and she nod while smiling.

"ofc and I'm pretty sure that healing angel will came out from the jewel as soon as we reach there" the fairy say to Yaya as she give Yaya a kiss on the forehead like mom usually do.

"thx for cheering me up guys, I will not let you down!" Yaya say confidently with herself and then she see the fairy and gelbot were smirking.

"how bout your boyfriend, are you gonna let him down?" Gelbot ask Yaya in teasing tone while Yaya face were covered by blush.

"I-im not gonna let anyone down and B-Bo-Boboiboy is not my boyfriend!" Yaya say as she throws a pillow at the gelbot.

"gelbot doesn't say who tho~" The fairy say in teasing tone and that make Yaya face were slightly red by blushing so hard.


Knock knock
Yaya open the door and see Boboiboy standing in front of it while Yaya is still blushing remember what just happened a minute ago.

"Hey Yaya,have you done packing everything up?" Boboiboy ask as he wave to gelbot and the fairy that were sitting on Yaya bed.

"of course I already finished it, so when will we be goin tomorrow?" Yaya ask Boboiboy as she finally calm herself down from the blushing.

"maybe at 8,we both can have breakfast at 7" Boboiboy explain nervously and Yaya nod happily.

"so are we gonna use ochobot teleport us to there or what ?" Yaya ask Boboiboy with her innocence smile and that make Boboiboy blush a bit.

"y-yes and ochobot will not be with us tomorrow" Boboiboy say a bit sad and happy because he got to be with Yaya alone.

"gelbot also say that it will not come too" Yaya said looking Boboiboy directly into his eyes same as him.

It been silent between them both like 5 minute now until gelbot decided to broke the silence.

"are you gonna stare to each other for another 10 minutes, it getting silent" the fairy whine as she lay on Yaya bed with a pillow that were covering her face.

Yaya and Boboiboy look away blushing "See y-you tomorrow Yaya!" Boboiboy say waving at Yaya as he goes to somewhere and Yaya wave him back with her lovesick smile.

"ehem Hun,stop with your lovesick thingy and get back to reality" the fairy say in a her mother mood as Yaya shut the door when she was back to the reality.

"alright mother" Yaya say while sitting next to the laying fairy.

"Look like you have another mother Yaya" gelbot say giggling and Yaya playfully roll her eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, a fairy godmother" Yaya say and The fairy just took it as a compliment.

"don't forget to tell Ying that you were leaving at 8 and I make sure to wake you at 6" the fairy say and Yaya nod as she continues reading the magic book.

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