I continued to drive the familiar route. I guess although we're all different, we're all the same. We all have a hiding place. It could be anywhere, but it's your place.

I parked the car on a tiny carpark, "I remember you telling me about this, is this the lake where you realised you just wanted to hold me?" She joked, shoving my shoulder lightly.

"I don't remember, sorry," I nudged her back, sending her a cocky smile.

"I can't believe I can just do this..." she grabbed my hand and ran circles on it with her thumb, "or this..." she then brushed her fingers through my hair with her free hand, "I can't believe I can talk to you, in person."

I locked my eyes with hers, "I know."

Billie stood up quickly, pulling me up at the same time, "we need to leave."

I was a little startled at her abruptness, "why?"

Billie looked toward the floor, then back at me, then back to the floor, "because if we don't I'm going to kiss you, and I can't kiss you at your place because that's your place."

I definitely blushed, I felt my cheeks burning more than they ever have.

I decided to take Billie to a little restaurant near my house. I'd never been with Ria or Tom before. I did go with my parents a couple of times, and on my own a couple more times since. They have amazing vegetarian and vegan options. I generally go there to read a book, or do some online course work.

We sat down in a secluded booth. We both ordered a drink, I opted for a grape soda whilst Billie got a water. "Everything is so different here." I nodded understandably, I can imagine my head would explode if I went to LA.

My town is small, homing only roughly twenty thousand people. If you think, that's only an arena of people. It sounds a lot, but it isn't. We are limited on what we have. No Ubers, no Uber eats. No McDonalds or KFC - I don't care much about that though since I don't eat those.

"I like it though." She added as she pulled the hair ties out that we're holding her buns in place. "Yeah, I've never known any different." She ran her fingers through her now down hair, "I want to take you to LA one day."

"I want to go to LA with you one day."

She sent me a smirk, "one day."

it didn't take long for the waitress to arrive. We told her what we'd like and she scurried away to tell the kitchen.

The longer we sat the more comfortable I began to feel. She'd rested her hand on my thigh, squeezing it every now and again which I tried my best not to pay attention to but ultimately failed. She had a cocky smile on her face each time she did it, making it that much harder to ignore. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"I want to ask you something." Her voice had a serious tone to it. "Go for it," her eyes scanned down my body before looking up and reaching my hazel ones. "When did you realise you were into girls?"

I thought back, but I couldn't actually remember ever not liking them. "I always liked girls. I remember all my friends liking boys, and I just never felt that way." Billie nodded, "why? When did you?" Her cheeks turned a cute shade of pink. "When I accidentally FaceTimed you." Liar. "You're telling me that I was your gay awakening? No way." She laughed a little and buried her head into her hands. "I was your gay awakening," I repeated proudly.

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