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Chapter 38:: The Cause Of Hana's Death

The room witnessed Hana being consumed in the white light and soon disappear in the air. Everyone felt happy that atleast one of the two spirits has finally left the world.

Turning her head around, Mina let her sharp gaze fall on Lisa, who was awfully quite witnessing her daughter's soul leave. "You should leave her body too." Mina said, bringing Lisa out of her daze.

"No!" Lisa instantly snapped back, and turned her face towards the side trying to avoid Mina's gaze on her.

"Why not?!" Mina exclaimed angrily, "your daughter has already left, even you should leave now. There is no point of you staying back!"

Lisa looks up at Mina through teary eyes. Everyone present there looked at her in surprise at her sudden tears. "W-why? I died so e-early, I n-never got chance to feel l-loved when I was alive. B-but now I got a body can't I a-atlest use this as a chance to stay here l-longer?"

"That's called g-greed, two souls can't stay in one b-body. Y-you might stay in Lisa's body but what about h-her soul?" Sehun asks, slowly stepping forward towards the chair where Lisa was seated, one hand holding the bible in his hand and other on his head preventing the flow of blood. "A-also what are you g-gonna do staying here longer?"

"I'll be with Jungkook."

"You know it can't happen! Jungkook doesn't love you, you can't force him to love you back." This time Yoongi speaks up who was silent all this while. "Love is extream feelings of attachment, affection and need and Jungkook doesn't have that for you. I don't know what made you love Jungkook?"

"H-he... Jungkook care's for m-me, I've s-seen it, I a-also felt it." Jungkook's eyes widen as he looked at Lisa in pure shock. He didn't even knew this girl properly, there was no way he would have cared for her.

"I n-never did that t-to you. I didn't even know you, until now." Jungkook croaked out.

"W-when I was a-about to m-met with a car accident on the road y-you s-saved my life." Lisa says hopefully, desperate for Jungkook to admit it.

"I was just saving someone's life! Even if it was someone else I would have done the same!" Jungkook huffed irritatedly at her misunderstanding. He unconsciously tighten his grip around Taehyung's wrist. "Saving someone doesn't include anything romantic."

"Y-you are l-lying r-right?" Lisa asked, as tears clouded her vision making it difficult for her to see Jungkook properly. "T-tell me it's n-not true. You u-used to look at me. We made so many eye contacts."

"It is. I only loved Taehyung and no one else. He was the one, since the beginning." Jungkook states, confidently. He wrapped his arms around Taehyung and pulled him close to his chest. "And I'd never see anyone else in Taehyung's place." He says possessively.

Lisa hung her head low sobbing, letting her tears effortlessly roll down her pale face cause now there is no way she can win Jungkook's heart. He clearly rejected him.

"W-why?" She chocked on her tears. "Why m-must I always h-have to s-suffer? I n-never got my p-parents love so I wanted to be loved b-by the person I-I love. E-even he r-rejected m-me now."

She fell in love with Jungkook without knowing how it would end up hurting her. She dared to love him even though she knew he loves someone else. She dared to kill the person her love, loves. She dared to come back even after she was dead, just to get Jungkook back. Half her life was wasted running after Jungkook even if she knew somewhere deep within here that Jungkook would never except her.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now