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Chapter 30:: Ye-won, The Mysterious Lady

Namjoon was on his way to Guryong village, which is also called as a shanytown.

It is an illegal encampment on private land in Seoul, South Korea, on the edge of the affluent southside district of Dogok-Dong, Gangnam District from which it is separated by a six-lane motorway.

It has been called "the last slum in Seoul's glitzy Gangnam district" and "the last remaining urban slum in Seoul".

He narrowed his eyes, checking the Google maps which he has set before leaving from his office. He stopped the car noticing two old men walking down on the footpath. He rolled the car's window down a little and asked them.

"Um.. excuse me? How can I get to Guryong village?"
Can't blame him though, he had to ask someone, since he started doubting on the Google maps cause he's been driving on the same route in circles for past so long .

"Ahh.. Guryong? Yes yes.. that way" one of the old man pointed his finger towards the small lane on the left side.

Namjoon thanked them before he rolled the window back up and started the car. He lazily yawned as he took a left turn in that small lane.

The previous night he was in the mental health care centre along with Seokjin and others. The doctor said it'll take time for Woojin's treatment and medication and also they have to keep an eye on him so it was no use of them to wait there.

Hence he left the place to continue with his investigation. Since he doesn't like to waste his time simply sitting in one place.

Sure, he love his son to death but he would have gone mad if he just sit there in one place doing nothing. He has work apart from sitting idle and waiting for the doctor to tell them the results.

And also Seokjin was already there and others too, if the doctor said the results are out he'll come back there in a blink of an eye. And also, Seokjin allowed Namjoon to go and work too.

After he waited in the mental health care centre for almost an hour, he first went to his office to continue with his investigation which he had left incomplete.

He put his blood, sweat and tears in reading each and every single page in the diary. If he found even a small suspicious word in the book or even a scribble on a page he would note it down or check on it thoroughly.

After he was done reading he found out a very interesting thing in the diary and that was the address, of the person whom So Hyun wanted Jungkook to meet. The person whom Momo had mentioned.

And that person stays in Guryong Village!

It wasn't just the address but also the suspicious person's dna test report too, along with another person's test report, whom Namjoon already knew.

And the report says- 'DNA match'.

Kim So Hyun was sure up to something.

So here he is finding that person and get answers from them, or if they are involved in Kim So Hyun's disappearance. Namjoon was sure he is close to the secret which the girl was hiding.

He parked his car on one side of the road, since there wasn't any parking area in this place since people are poor and they don't have car's so obviously there won't be any parking lot.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now