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Chapter 05:: The creepy morning feels

Taehyung uncomfortably shifted in the bed when nausea hit him in the pit of his stomach. He threw the bedsheets off him and quickly made him way to the bathroom. He was in his ninth week that is, the start of his third month.

Taehyung quickly ran passed Jungkook who was standing infront of a mirror and drying his hair with a blow dryer.

The younger kneeled down infront of the toilet, letting out all his morning sickness. Jungkook went and crouched next to his husband and ran his hand up and down his back soothingly.

"There- there, almost done. You did well." Jungkook kept praising Taehyung, who sat straight and let out a small groan. Jungkook moved forward and flushed the toilet.

"I hate morning sickness." Taehyung grumbled. Black haired male chuckled and tugged some strands of hair behind his ears. "But your doing this for our baby remember?" Taehyung quietly nod his head.

"Good. So now quickly fresh up and come down, by the time I'll prepare the breakfast." Jungkook stood up giving a hand for Taehyung who stood up as well. "Or do you want me to bathe you." He smirked.

Taehyung slapped older's chest while trying to hide his flustered face. "S-shut up! I can do it myself."

As soon as Jungkook left, Taehyung quickly went to take a quick shower. He striped and stepped under the shower and turned on the knob letting the lukewarm water to effortlessly run down his curvy body.

The walls of the shower were made of glass which made Taehyung awkward as he was standing in such a big bathroom, butt naked.

While he was in the middle of scrubbing his body, Taehyung saw a shadow move from one corner of the bathroom and run into a wall and disappear.

But since the water was running down his face in pressure, he couldn't make out of what he saw was real or just his imagination. So he just shrugged it off and continued with his bath.

A few minutes later, he stepped out of the shower and wore his bathrobe and blue panda shorts underneath. Taehyung then proceeded with drying his hair, brushing his teeth and applied some expensive moisturizer on his body.

When he finished with everything and was about to step out of the bathroom, thats when he heard a sound of the toilet lid closing. He turned around and looked at it suspiciously.

He clearly remembers that he had left it open, he didn't closed it and nor did Jungkook.

'maybe it fell down by itself.' Taehyung thought and tried to ignore it. Quickly proceeding to leave the bathroom.

As soon as Taehyung went down stairs the sweet aroma of food hit his nose. He inhaled the sweet aroma once again before walking into the kitchen only to see his husband busy preparing the toasts. Kimchi toast for Taehyung and some Nutella french toast for himself.

God! He looked so hot in Taehyung's eyes. The veins on his hands on full display. It always made Taehyung small and submissive infront of Jungkook.

Taehyung giggled inaudibly before slowly tip toeing and taking his husband by surprise by back hugging him out of the blue.

Older tilts his head back towards Taehyung and placed a kiss on younger male's temple before giving all his attention back to the breakfast he was preparing for themselves.

He placed the hot kimchi toast on the plate, adding some cheese slice inbetween them. He asked his husband to take a seat before sliding his breakfast towards the younger. He took his plate of Nutella french toast as well and sat on the stool beside Taehyung.

While having his tasty breakfast Taehyung could feel the sharp gaze of his husband on his exposed thighs. He shyly bit his bottom lip and glanced at Jungkook and back at his plate. He slowly attempt to cover his thighs but Jungkook stopped him.

The black haired male got down from the stool and scooted closer to Taehyung and rasped in his ear. "Don't hide it from me." He then smoothly ran his hands up and down on Taehyung's exposed thighs.

Taehyung breathed out when Jungkook gripped his inner thigh tightly which would sure have left his finger prints there. Jungkook instantly turned Taehyung around, hastily moving the plate aside and made him sit on the table.

Soon their lips met eachother's, as they passionately moved, it tasting eachother's lips. Taehyung could taste the nutrella which the latter had, just few moments ago.

Jungkook slightly pulled back keeping his gaze fixed on his husband's lips then again smashed his lips on Taehyung's plump ones. Jungkook's hand skillfully went up and slipped in through the bathrobe, caressing his soft skin. Taehyung clinged onto Jungkook's shoulder.

The older male attached his lips onto younger's neck softly nibbling it. Taehyung hissed as he slowly opened his eyes, looking behind Jungkook and that's when he saw a knife which was kept on the kitchen rack shelf, fell down on its own.

Strange isn't it? How can it even fall so randomly? It wasn't any coincidence because it clearly looked like as if someone threw it down purposely.

Taehyung pushed Jungkook back and panted heavily. Jungkook helped his husband get back down, fixing his bathrobe.

Taehyung quickly did his husband's tie and walked with Jungkook till the door to see him off. Taehyung held his husband's hand, swaying it back and forth.

"Take care Jungkook and don't overwork yourself. Also try to come early, I'll miss you." He pouts while playing with the wedding ring in Jungkook's finger.

Jungkook chuckled and leaned down, placing a kiss atop younger's forehead. "Don't worry love. I'll try to be soon. If you feel lonely then call me up anytime, I'll sure pick up your call."

Taehyung shyly smiled and tip toed and kissed Jungkook's addicting lips one last time before the older walked out of the house towards his car.

Taehyung closed the door and walked back to the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes.

While washing the dishes, Taehyung couldn't help the but have this feeling of someone or something watching him. His every move.

The creepy feeling caused the goosebumps to rise all over his body

Thanks for reading 💖

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