Please meet me in this warehouse tonight

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Our attention rotated towards the voice, it was the young man I fought with!


The black tendrils immediately charged for his head, however, my ability disappeared. He looked at me confused, well not only me, he looked at all of us confused. "You there!" The glasses man yelled, pointing a pathetic gun at the man. "Why're you here?!" He shouted from where the man stood, at the entrance.

"huh? I mean..." He rubbed his chin in question. Clearly not knowing how to respond. "uhhhh.... shoot, I forgot to ask Kaiya what to say.." He muttered to himself, I tried summoning my ability again, however my Rashomon wouldn't activate. "hoh? sorry, but my ability will take any ability/ability user that makes contact with me!" He replied cheerfully. He shoved his hands in his pockets smiling, the glasses man spoke again "Oi!" He grabbed all of our attentions, "what're you doing here?! Don't make me throw you in an interrogation room!" Threatening the man. He didn't give us any answer but he looked like he worried. "wellll look at the time! I've got to go!" 

Quickly, Gin tried stopping him from escaping however my ability was used by him! He wrapped her up and placed her gently next to me. "Sorry Akutagawa, but if you don't attack me, I won't give back your ability." He ran off with the glasses man and the blonde kid after him.

Damn it! I'm practically useless now! An ability user stole my ability, and now I can't use Rashomon!

Gin grabbed my shoulder making sure I was okay, I looked at her and nodded we both followed the Armed Detective Agency members who were by a river stream, it looks like they lost him, and my ability. 

I growled under my breath, my ability is gone, and now I'm useless. Just great!

"Looks like that kid ran off, it appears he can only take one ability at a time." The glasses man said, I sighed and turned away following Gin. "oh? Are you not going to continue investigating Port Mafia?" He asked, "yes." I replied for my sister. She nodded and we both left the Hayashi grounds. The moment we left it felt like a weight was somewhat lifted from my shoulders, I say somewhat because now I'm more vulnerable then ever. 

I tried to contain the sweat dropping off my face, I didn't want Gin knowing I was afraid. Once we arrived home, I plopped on a chair burring my face in my arms. Gin went inside her room to change, while we weren't finished with our mission, she was on another mission after this. I was just given the task of investigating with the Armed Detective Agency. 

After a while of silence I heard the door from my sister's room open. I could hear her footsteps as she left the apartment. 

I was then sweating like hell, I couldn't stop being worried about being without my ability. (not to judge you but you happily gave Atsushi your coat and free bondage)

Don't couples normally talk over chat? I wonder if Jinko is busy at the moment. After a while of fighting my mind of what decision to do, I decided to call Atsushi, I should let him know first though, I wonder if he's mad at me for this morning. 


Akutagawa: hey Jinko.

Atsushi is typing...


Atsushi: yes?

Akutagawa: Can you come? Please?

Atsushi: uh... as long as you aren't doing anything I don't like then sure.


Akutagawa: k.

I shouldn't have invited Jinko again, but I'm too afraid at the moment, my hands trembled when I typed. To think I had to invite Jinko over because I'm afraid. I sighed looking at my apartment, its pretty clean... I guess I can just sit down and relax for now. I sighed, leaving my arm over my head, laying on the couch. What was going on here?

"Do you hate me?"

of course I do. You're the bastard who takes pleasure into torturing others until their bodies break. What kind of question is that? I never said it out loud though, if I did, she would torture me and Gin. I couldn't let that happen to her. 

I only glared from across the room while my sister slept on my shoulder, dazed. Fumiko sat on her desk looking at me, waiting for an answer. "no." I lied. Sounds were heard when I looked up, she held the button up making a gesture to answer honestly. "Fine, I do." I spoke, she gave me the ability drugs so many times, sometimes it was hard to move my own body. I coughed into my hand.

"Sick from the smoke in here?" She asked, knowing I was getting sick from the men who wouldn't end their lifeless drugs. 

I nodded looking away, still covering my hand. "I see." She replied, dull. She immediately laughed running towards whoever opened the door, "Father! Welcome back! Mother has made us lunch, my servant here is sick so he won't be tortured anymore, is that alright?" She asked her step father. "Alright, how sick is he though?" I felt a coughing fit about to burst, I tried to conceal it, however I was currently dying on the inside. My coughs had burst out surprising them both, "see, Father?" She spoke, he nodded telling me "we're not giving you mercy, as you are sick. Do not assume this is mercy, child. The Hayashi family do not like to break their produce." I shivered from how cold his tone was, I was cold and shivering. 

I woke up from my dream, surprised when I felt something warm when I was currently just cold. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Jinko hold me in his arms, asleep. I panicked and quickly shot up from his arms, hitting both of our heads. "OW OW OW!!!" Jinko screamed in pain, "why'd you do that for, Akutagawa?!" He asked in pain, I sighed, "don't do that. You scared me, Jinko." I retorted annoyed. He sweat dropped, nodding. "Anyways... what was it you needed?" Jinko asked me, why did I need him?

I laid back on his lap ignoring his questions. I started getting annoyed though, "because I was in a bad mood, now shut up!" I yelled back startling him. He looked away from me, I screwed up...

I stayed quiet for a few seconds on his lap, both of us not saying a word. "sorry..." I spoke,  "ok..." Jinko replied, I knew he wasn't quite over me yelling at me. I normally wouldn't care, however if Dazai-san heard I had a fought with Jinko, I wouldn't get any time with him, I sighed hesitating. I gulped up the courage and grabbed Jinko's collar pulling him to me, hugging him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't mean to sound so cruel.." I looked away holding in my puke. His flesh turned warm as I pulled back seeing his face was flustered. He replied "i-its okay... I shouldn't have kept pushing the subject." He laid on the couch beside me, blushing still.

"can we... see Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked, I was confused "huh? Why?" I tried not to sound so excited. "He's better at stuff like this than me, haha..." Atsushi responded, "no, its alright." I replied. Better wait until a couple of days for me to start talking to him

"Please meet me in this warehouse tonight."

A voice spoke, startling me and Jinko, a figure dropped a piece of paper as it fell on my lap. It had a picture of Jinko, with a red paint smudged on him, on the side had a note addressing the warehouse's whereabouts. I knew these hooligan's plan.

 they wanted Jinko dead.


Akutagawa better make sure Jinko doesn't die >:(
Well its pretty clear Atsushi will live but I think its cool when you watch them win!

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