Please don't let me see her again

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I added Jinko, I didn't even know how to use this phone. How does one respond to an idiot's text message? Maybe I can have Dazai-san help me! This little mission of mine is coming in handy!

I walked over to the Armed Detective Agency stopping at their office. This time Jinko opened the door, he looked a little surprised and walked away from me, he seemed a bit upset. Whoops, did I offend him by leaving him on read?

"A k u t a g a w a ."

I heard my name being muttered when a dagger flew past my face, startling me a bit. I looked where the dagger was thrown and saw Kyouka activating Demon Snow.

"E x p l a i n."

I sighed replying "I came over to ask Dazai-san how to respond to text messages." Her angry red glare subsided as she replied "oh, then I'll go explain it to Atsushi." She ran off to find Jinko.

"You calleedd?~" Dazai-san smirked. I nodded giving him my phone. "How do I text back?" He looked at me for a moment confused, and laughed. "oh so that's it!" He exclaimed, he took my phone and showed me, "you just press these buttons that have letters and spell it out, like this, spell... "apple" you just need to type out the letters." He showed me, slowly typing "apple" with each letter. "I... I see!" I reply, fascinated. "see? Easy right?" I nod thanking him, "oh, could I have your number Dazai-san?" I requested of him, he shook his head "no".

"You should have your boyfriend's instead of mine." "I already do." "good! Then you don't need mine!" He walked away leaving me alone, well, at least I know how to respond... I immediately turned my attention to my phone and text Jinko.

Akutagawa: Sorry for not responding, I
did not know how to type on a phone.

Atsushi: Oh, alright!
Atsushi: sorry for getting a little upset...
Kyouka explained it to me.

Akutagawa: ok then.

I coughed placing my phone away. "Sooo can you leave now?" A childish voice said I looked at him, seeing it was a man with brown clothing. "Alright." I said standing up and walking out the door. I heard my phone buzz and saw Atsushi texted me again. Honestly I didn't like being texted without a reason, but if I want to be closer to Dazai-san, I have to endure this. I text back to Jinko.

Atsushi: Hey, so, I heard something happening at the Port Mafia, you ok?

Akutagawa: yes I'm alright, just some thieves.

Atsushi: What were they stealing?

Akutagawa: Explosives.

Atsushi: Huh?? why??

Akutagawa: I don't know.

Atsushi: How did they get away from you..?

Akutagawa: They're ability users as well, one
of them has an ability to control someone's
body I think.

Atsushi: oh... you feeling stiff?

Akutagawa: no I'll manage.

Atsushi: oh, that's good!

Akutagawa: yeah.

I've never been the best at conversating before so I left it at that. I walked back to the Port Mafia, I got a call from Mori, "come to my office, we need to speak of the ability users you fought the other day." "alright." I walked inside the Port Mafia's long halls and used an elevator to go up to the boss's office. I walked into his office seeing him trying to dress a little blonde girl into a frilly pink dress. I coughed catching their attention.

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