Please Don't Tell her

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I woke up to see Atsushi was gone, I frantically looked all over the place for Atsushi on the couch running to the kitchen. Atsushi stared at me with confusion, "erm... Are you alright?" He asked holding a cooking spoon, I panted a sigh of relief. "Stupid, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I shouted to Atsushi, he flinched and apologized, "S-Sorry, I woke and wanted to make breakfast for you..." He laughed nervously. I nodded responding "It's fine, just make sure to tell me where you are next time." Atsushi nodded continuing to cook, it smelled good. 

When he finally finished cooking he placed the food on the table for me, I sat across from him looking at what he made, Chazuke. "Sorry- It's the only food I know how to make...." He told me nervously, I nodded saying nothing in return, eating the food, the Chazuke he made. It was warm, and more delicious then I expected honestly. I continued eating, Atsushi began the conversation "Hey, Akutagawa..." Atsushi caught my attention, so I stopped eating to listen to him. "About Hayashi Fumiko..." It seemed that the words he wished to speak were clogged in his throat, perhaps he is afraid of bringing a sensitive topic to me. "when it's about Fumiko, I do not mind speaking of my experiences or thoughts of her." He nodded now saying, "She, told me she plans on killing me." I closed my eyes raising my head to the ceiling. "I see." I replied, Atsushi made a small noise and added "She also told me... After I create something, she'll kill me." I opened my eyes and looked at him, "What was that something?" He answered, "I have no clue, she didn't tell me." I continued eating, "well, if you're afraid, you don't need to worry. I'll keep you safe." I tried calming him, Atsushi went to grab some paperwork and a pen, once coming back he stated "I can protect myself!" Atsushi pouted looking away. I nodded, "I know, but just know I'll help if you need it." Atsushi mumbled something under his breath. "What?" I asked, chewing some chicken, "Oh, nothing. Just wondering how long it'll take for Dazai-san to get rid of Hayashi Fumiko, or, Hitori Kaiya now." That's right, I forgot her name had changed. Hitori Kaiya, the name Hayashi Fumiko now had. 

Putting away the dishes in the sink while washing it, I asked Atsushi "How's Kyouka doing now that she's been kicked out." I knew she was kicked out of this place, just so I could move in. Atsushi chuckled, "Please don't tell her, but I think she's jealous of you." Atsushi rubbed his wrist while doing paperwork. "If you need anything, call me." I said, walking to the bathroom. 


Later that day, I was called into the Agency, for Atsushi. "Helloooo?" The other line greeted, I sighed answering back, "here, Dazai-san." Dazai-san giggled a bit now asking "Akutagawa-kun, I need you to follow Atsushi to the Agency." "Already on it." I replied, jumping from building to building with Atsushi's pace. He then turned a corner to an alleyway, so I told Dazai-san, "Gotta go, see you soon." 

Hanging up on Dazai-san, I follwed Atsushi, the alleyway he went through was large, and no exit. Why did he go here? "Akutagawa." Atsushi called out, shit, did he know I was following him? I chose to lay low and not respond to Atsushi's call. After a while Atsushi looked around and shrugged, maybe he thought he was being followed and shrugged it off now. 

"Wow, I'm quite surprised that Hatake let you off like this." 

A voice spoke, her voice was high like a young woman's, but the voice aroused ill intent with it. Trying to jump down, a hand held a dagger to my throat. "I'll remove a tally." Fuck, it was Fumiko down there wasn't it? This must be her stupid plans on killing Atsushi. I didn't care, I still had 3 tallys left so 1 wouldn't matter. I pushed him back with Rashomon, well, I tried too. My ability was taken! Looking up, I could see the boy that had taken my ability the first time, he was watching above the alleyway. Damn it!! What was his name? Soul? Soul was eating a lolipop, Soul didn't look in my direction, but he did speak to me, "You don't need too, but I hope you forgive us." How could I forgive you guys? You're siding with Hayashi Fumiko for the love of god! You're trying to kill Jinko and you are, just how?!-

"Eh? How does us killing Nakajima-san matter to you?" Soul asked me, now facing my direction, I didn't reply. Why did it matter? If he did die, Dazai-san would probably comfort me or something, I could care less about Jinko, what did this man even mean? "But you're yelling at us for trying to kill Nakajima, does he matter that much to you?" What was he saying?? Soul was almost acting as if-

"As if I'm reading your mind? Well you're right." Soul laughed eating his lolipop, ugh I shouldn't care about these people Atsushi is my top priority right now! I pushed Tomioka away and jumped down. When I got down Atsushi was in half tiger form, fighting Fumiko, he noticed me and shouted "Watch out!" I looked above me to see Rashomon trying to kill me. Rashomon was like a blanket with sharp spikes coming out. 

I quickly tried running but got trapped instead. Damn it... Damn it all...!

Back then, Fumiko's Lotus snow globe thing broke, her mother broke it while cleaning the room. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry Fumiko." She apologized, Fumiko didn't react to the shattered lotus globe, instead she only looked to the floor. I was sitting beside Gin in Fumiko's bed corner, we were playing a small game together until her mother was done cleaning the room. The mother said to Fumiko, "Sweetie? Are you okay?" Fumiko nodded grabbing a few dolls from the chest beside her bed, playing with them. "If you're okay, that's good." The mother opened the door and opened her stupid mouth, "I'll sweep up the mess, you don't need too." Fumiko nodded, smiling. 

The moment Fumiko's mother left, the smile faded in an instant, she walked over to where her lotus snow globe broke, seeing the lotus now free. I heard the sound of her breath hitching and she grabbed my neck, I choked holding onto her hands trying to free myself, Gin cried and tried running to me, "No!!" She cried out. 

Atsushi carried me running to the agency, it was still daytime and we were in a rush. I looked behind him and saw Hayashi Fumiko's group running after us. In broad day light?! Suddenly we turned a corner just to see them in front of us! Because Atsushi has to go along with law of motion, he couldn't break in time and ran into Fumiko. Though she was the only one who didn't fall. "ow..." I winced in pain. Soul grabbed me really quickly and threw me to Atsushi again, "Hitori-senpai, we failed, let's go." She nodded, for some reason, nobody was near, so nobody saw them. 

It didn't matter if someone did, because of Fumiko's ability, it allowed her to stop time. "Oh by the way, you have it back." Soul said, before they vanished, my ability was back?


Aaaaaa this was so rushed I'm sorry for it :( Hitting writer's block mainly bc I don't have motivation anymore lol. Also It's been so long since I've updated this book :D How do you like it so far??

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