Not long after, Chaeyoung steps in, still a little surprised that the maid suddenly just let her in. She walks to Mr and Mrs Myoui, does a deep bow to them, 'Hello, Mr and Mrs Myoui, thank you for letting me in.'

Mrs Myoui takes a good look at Chaeyoung, the last time they met was quite brief, so she didn't actually pay much attention, but this time she scans Chaeyoung from head to toe, not just the appearance outside but she also tries to read the inside of her soul.

And Chaeyoung has made a good impression on her. In Mrs Myoui's eyes, Chaeyoung's pretty face is very pleasing to look at, she is very polite, respectful and certainly looks very calm which is hard to keep in this situation. The sincerity and determination in her eyes make her look trustworthy. And the fact that Chaeyoung has the guts to come here even after her husband warned her not to, she has to give big credit for the girl's courage. In a mother's point of view, Mrs Myoui now understands why her daughter has special feelings for Chaeyoung.

'Chaeyoung, tell me your reasons for coming here.' Mrs Myoui says,

Chaeyoung bows to her before speaking, 'Mr and Mrs Myoui, firstly, I come to beg you please don't be so harsh on Mina.'

'It's not your place to judge the way we discipline our daughter.' Mr Myoui coldly says,

Chaeyoung quickly bows to him, 'I'm sorry, Mr Myoui, that's not what I meant.'

Just from Chaeyoung's first sentence, Mrs Myoui could see that Mina is Chaeyoung's top priority. She looks at her husband as a way of telling him not to slash out his anger. Mr Myoui looks back at his wife, he can tell that his wife is starting to support Chaeyoung.

'You can continue, Chaeyoung.' Mrs Myoui tells her,

'Secondly, please give me a chance to prove my love for Mina. I know you don't like the fact that I'm a woman, but if you allow me, I will show you that I love and care for Mina more than any men out there could.' Chaeyoung says with full sincerity,

Mr and Mrs Myoui didn't speak a word, they are looking straight at Chaeyoung, weighing her words.

Chaeyoung nervously gulps, she gathers her courage to continue, 'And lastly, I come to say that I...I will never give up on Mina.'

Mr Myoui glares at her, 'I told you to stay away from Mina, and yet you come here and say you will never give up on her. Do you take my words as a joke, Chaeyoung?'

Chaeyoung bows to him, 'Please forgive me, but staying away from Mina is the only thing I won't do.'

Honest and straightforward, more qualities that Mrs Myoui just saw from Chaeyoung. She smiles to herself after hearing everything Chaeyoung had to say, she is certain that Chaeyoung is completely smitten with her daughter.

Right then, a maid walks down the stairs with a tray full of foods in her hands, 'I'm sorry, Mr and Mrs Myoui, but Young Miss refuses to eat again.'

Mrs Myoui sighs deeply, worrying for Mina's health. Chaeyoung also gets worried hearing that, without thinking twice, she speaks up, 'Mr and Mrs Myoui, please allow me to bring the food to Mina, I might be able to convince her to eat.'

'Please do that, Chaeyoung. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.' Mrs Myoui quickly tells her.

Mr Myoui wants to stop Chaeyoung from seeing Mina, but he is also very concerned about his daughter who is starving herself, so he just lets it be, as long as Mina is eating something. He might be angry at her and has her grounded, but the love he has for her is as big and as deep as the ocean.

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