Noticing that we're brought a bottle of wine on the house, I happily pour us both a drink and realize that she hasn't even given the menu in front of her the time of day, "Already know what you want to order?"

"Mhm," she happily replies. After pointing to the item on the menu in front of me, she brings her hand to rest under her chin, "I always get that one. It's always been one of my favorites."

"Must be good. I'll order that as well." I reach up and take a sip of my wine with a smile, knowing I plan on just telling the waitress that I'll have what she's having and therefore being able to dodge the embarrassment of my mispronunciation in front of not only a native French speaker but in front of Mia.

Shaking her head, she gives me a deliberate smirk, "You'll have to order for us both then, Jimin. Do you know how to pronounce that?"

Sighing, I try to hold back my flushed face from being caught red-handed. Looking down at the words, I get ready to turn a bright shade of pink from my poor pronunciation, "Poulet rôti?"

Helping me say it correctly, I stare at her lips as I try to focus on what she's saying instead of the nagging thoughts to kiss her perfectly shaped mouth. My body prickles when the edge curls up into that sexy little smirk she occasionally does. Repeating back what she just said, I feel proud of myself when she gives me a small round of applause and holds her wine glass up to clink with mine.

The waitress comes back to take our order when Mia lifts her hand to get her attention. Repeating the menu item over and over in my mind, I feel my anxiety spike as the waitress looks at me for an answer to her question, which I assume is 'what will we be having?'.

"Deux poulet rôtis, s'il vous plaît." I do my best to speak as properly as I can and catch the way Mia proudly smiles at me from behind her wine glass.

The waitress rambles something off which I think meant that she'll be back with our food but I wouldn't bet money on me translating that correctly. Trying to avoid eye contact with my dinner date, I take a sip of the ruby red liquid in my cup and glance around the bistro. But her eyes burn a hole into me like lasers and I end up smiling beyond my control.

"What?" I chuckle as I look back at her with my elbow bent on the table and my chin resting in my hand.

Shaking her head, she raises her eyebrows. "Nothing. Just proud at how well you said that and appreciating how nice it sounded."

"How nice it sounded?" I tilt my head and raise my glass to take another drink.

"The French language is very sexy and well, I can't deny that it sounded sexy coming from you."

I cough as I immediately get flustered by her compliment. I'm not usually one to get flustered over a woman giving me praises. In fact, I thrive off of them if I'm being honest, but Mia totally took me off guard and the confirmation that she finds anything I have done attractive has me delighted.

Giggling at my reaction, she meets my eyes, seeming as if they are sparkling just for me. As if I am the only other person in this room, or maybe I just have a hard time focusing on anyone other than her whenever she's around. That, however, is something I cannot tell her. With her being married, if I admit too openly how drawn to her I am or how I fantasize about being intimate with her, I'm afraid she may run away and never talk to me again. Not to mention, I'm not trying to be a homewrecker.

Her marriage may have been rocky before me but I will not be the reason why it ended. If Mia ever chose to leave that unworthy husband of hers and be with me, that would have to be on her terms, not mine. For all I know, she could get divorced and move on with a different man entirely, leaving me forever friend-zoned.

Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+Where stories live. Discover now