Nikole Smith

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Sometimes I really worry about Adam. Ever since his dad died he just doesn't smile anymore. He was so happy before. What happened with Luke doesn't help either. I really don't know anything about him. I mean he was Adam's friend, not mine. He always kind of scared me. He just had this look in his eye. Like he didn't want to be approached. I guess some people don't like interacting with others.

But that wasn't the case with Adam. They were best friends. Even closer than what Adam and I are. Oh well, nothing could change what happened. Even if it could, would I want it to change? Adam is my best friend. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. I couldn't imagine if he were to ditch me for Luke now or anyone for that matter. Anyways, there is no time to think about that.


"Hey Nicole."

"Wow, you look terrible."

"Geez thanks."

Well, now I feel terrible. I was just making an observation. I wasn't trying to sound mean.

"Oh I didn't... Nevermind. Did you hear?"

"Let me guess, the Vigilante."

I try to bring up the Vigilante as much as possible with the hopes that it will make Adam happy after everything that happened.

"Hey, you get a cool name and then maybe I'll talk about you more ADAM!"

"There is nothing wrong with Adam."

"Well if that makes you sleep well at night."

"Anyways, what now?"

"Well he took down another... Hey is that Luke?"

No! He's back. It's been a year since he has been at school. I thought he was gone for good. Not to sound like I hated him, but I fear Adam won't need me if he's back. I didn't know anything about Adam's father except for the fact that he was murdered. Luke knew everything though. He met Adam's dad. Talked to him. Probably laughed with him. If Luke even knows how to laugh.

Ugh, I have to put my hard feelings away for right now. I have to get to work. Adam doesn't even know I have a job. The truth is I'm embarassed to tell him. Lately things haven't been good at my house. My dad lost his job so we're struggling for money. So to help I got a job at the local waste water facility. It's disgusting, but it helps my family.


Ugh, I absolutely Hate this place. It stinks so bad. Why do people throw trash into bodies of water. That is the sad part that it is every kind of body of water. From a tiny puddle to the huge oceans. Most people have access to trashcans everywhere they look. It's sick to think they are so lazy. There is no hope for this species.

Why this tank is glowing is beyond me. What kind of trash causes water to glow? Should the tank at least have a warning lable? Oh well, I just help clean. It sucks that I have to clean around this tank though. Now I'm going to be thinking about what caused this all day. I should probably drop it. It could just be a busted glow stick. Yeah that is the best case scenario. I don't even wanna think about the worse case.

I wonder why Luke decided to randomly come back. Maybe his parents decided it was best. Maybe his dad got a job down here again. Maybe he wanted to be friends with Adam again and begged his parents to let him come back. Ugh, the thought frustrates me. It's not fair if that is the reason. What if Adam pushes me to the side. No, he would never do that. I know that he keeps his favorite stuffed animal under his pillow. He wouldn't dare double cross me.


Seriously? I fell in the tank. I feel so gross. Just my luck. I bet the security guard is probably falling out of his chair laughing right now. This must have been some strong glow sticks. Even I'm glowing. This is ridiculous. How many glow sticks did these people have. Was there a party at the local lake or something. Well, it looks like I'm clocking out early. I'm going to go home and shower.

I'm still so embarrassed. There definenitely should have been a wet floor sign. I will defineitely tell that to my supervisor. Or maybe not. I don't want to admit to falling in. I should've been paying attention. Why did I let my thoughts get the best of me? Anyways, it's best if I just forget it happened. That way I can just have a peaceful walk home in my soaked clothes while it's sixty three degrees outside. Great!


Even after a shower I still feel nasty. I swear I think I'm still glowing a little. Stupid people and their stupid trash. I hate this job. But I hate the idea of being homeless even more. Maybe I should tell Adam about everything. Well on second thought he hasn't been himself lately. And that's saying something. 

He hasn't been answering my calls and barely responds to my texts. I don't know if I did anything wrong. Maybe it's because I keep bringing up the Vigilante. Who knows what is really going on in his head? He could just be upset about his dad or Luke again. Or maybe some bullies at school.I wish he wouldn't butt in. I know he hates seeing people picked on, but man he gets beat up everytime.

Adam is a good guy. He has a kind heart. I miss the Adam before his dad die. Yeah I didn't personally know him then. But when I saw him inthe halls he always had a smile on his face. Like nothing could drag him down. But one day it all changed. Everyone heard. But no one shed a tear. They cheered for a heartless crime.

Wow, my arm just got really cold. I'm freezing. I feel like I'm still wet. I am certain I dried off completely. Maybe if I put on more clothes. I'm still cold. Is the air conditioner on. If so, why is it so low and why is it on in the middle of the fall? Is it getting colder? What is happening. Do I have hyperthermia from walking home soaking wet? Why would I just now be feeling it?

Maybe if I just get under the covers it'll be better. Nope! I'm still freezing. I feel like I'm going to die. This is ridiculous. Why is it so cold? I need some heat right now. I can't move. It's like my body is frozen still. This isn't good. I can feel myself slipping out of conciousness. Should I fall asleep like this? Oh no. It looks like I don't have a choice.

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