It Begins

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"What do you mean don't tell Adam?"

"Does Adam know about you?"

"I was actually on my way to tell him now."

I can't believe out of everyone, she is the one to see my face.

"You have to tell him!"

"Why do I have to?"

"Because it will give him closure on why you randomly disappeared."

"I just don't know how he will react."

"Yeah, how do you think I feel?"

"Speaking of which, how can you do that with the water?"

"If we're being honest, I don't entirely know how."

She's right. I need to tell Adam. It would be easier to explain the full truth. Screw the oath. Who is going to find out anyways. It's not like I'm monitored every second of the day. They made it clear that they don't have any plans on keeping tabs on me. All they wanted to do was train me. But even then, can Adam and Nicole keep this a secret?

It's not like I don't trust Adam. But I don't know anything about Nicole. I guess I have to go out on a limb here and just hope he understands. This might be more difficult then just checking up on him. But in some ways I feel like it might be easier. Atleast I have a solid allaby. And if he doesn't believe me I can just show him my mask.

Granted he doesn't know what the mask looks like. Regardless he has to believe me. Why would I make this up? It just wouldn't make sense. Plus with Nicole telling him about her power it will make my story far more believable. That is unless she actually shows him that she can control water.

It is honestly so cool. But it seems like such a cheat. She doesn't even know how to control the power yet she accurately knocked my mask off. And I'm supposed to be a professional. Yet I get my identity revealed by a girl who can throw water. I hope that's all she can do. Regardless, she will be either a strong ally or a monstrous foe.


I can't believe he just wasn't going to tell Adam. How dumb could he be? Adam was so worried about him. Especially when everything started. He is the one who came back looking like he has been getting abused. I don't even understand why he would come back to school looking like that.

I'm sure Child Protective Services were called on his family. They probably have enough money and power to pay them off. It's not exactly like they care here in Redburn. It is one of the most flawed systems we have here. If this city cared for the kids the this place would probably be much better.

I still can't believe that Luke is the Vigilante. I am going to have to tear down my posters. If he ever knew I would probably never hear the end of it. We haven't even spoken to each other this entire walk here. But what am I supposed to say? How's it like to take down criminals every night?

Right now I am more focused on what I am going to say to Adam. He is going to freak out. Also, how is he going to feel with me showing up to his house with Luke? He's going to think I set up some elaborate plan to make them friends agin. Nah, Adam knows I'm not that nice. However, he knows I would do anything for him. Even if that means becoming friends with his ex best friend. 

We're about to be at Adam's. I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest. I'm terrified. He's is going to laugh in my face then yell at me for making up such a dumb story. But it's not fake, and I'll just have to prove it to him. Okay, we're here. Oh man, is it too late to backout and run away?


I really don't understand why Nicole hasn't responded to any of my texts. That's not like her at all. She usually responds within five seconds of a message. It can get kind of aggravating honestly. But when she does stuff like this it freaks me out. What if she got in an accident. Or maybe...

My doorbell rang. That is very odd. It is so late. I know mom is asleep, so that means I have to answer it. This better not be some kind of ding dong ditch. It's too late for that. I could file a complaint, but it would be pointless. I just don't understand who would come ring my doorbell so late.

"Oh, Nicole."

"Hey Adam!" 

"Hey... Luke."

"Hey Adam."

"What's he doing here?"

"I actually found him coming this way on my walk here, so I figured we could walk together. Safety in numbers right?"

"Sorry if I'm intruding. I've been meaning to come talk to you for a while now."

"So why didn't you?"

"I guess I've been to nervous and couldn't build up the courage to face you."

"Luke, no matter what happened in the past, I wouldn't have been mad if you spoke to me."

"Good, because there is something we have to talk about."

We went to my room to discuss things. Luke told me about all of his training and how he started to fight crime under the name Vigilante. He said he liked the meaning of the word. To do good and no expect some kind of reward. It was hard to believe him at first, but then he pulled out a mask. Which I know that sounds dumb, but who just carries a mask around?

The Nicole started telling me about her new found powers. I couldn't really be too surprised after what happened to me. However, water is pretty cool. I have a lot of questions about it. Like can she hold her breath under water longer than before? Or can she make water appear out of nowhere?

All of this led up to me telling them about my power. Nicole got mad that I didn't tell her, but also at the same time she didn't tell me so it ultimately was fine. I showed her the control I have of it now by making the vines turn into the gauntlet. I also explained that this is how I took down that thug. All and all she was impressed. To be honest I am just glad Luke is back and that Nicole is safe. But now they think it would be a cool idea to form a team.


Just when everything looks like it is going well, something far more sinister is about to begin.

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