Chapter 21 Hello Kaito

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Its been a while of flying and the kids have seemed to taken a liking to me. They arent very talkative and nervous of almost everything around us. "Alright kids we are here" I say while the kids sit up from on top of Sai's ink bird. We land and I help the kids down. Yamato takes Yui and Ichiro and I take Ichika. 

"We should take everyone to Tsunade sama's office. From there we can decide where they will stay." Yamato sensei says. 

"Alright Ill go with you." I say hoisting the 5 year old onto my hip. Then Kenji starts tugging on my clothes. "Is something wrong?" I ask looking down. He shakes his head. 

"Can we stay with you?" He asks with those pleading eyes. My heart cant take it! 

"I would love to keep all of you but I have to ask the Hokage who just so happens to be my Aunt." I say with a smile. He nods and Kaito starts to shake. 

"Hey kid you alright? Your shaking. Is the crowd too much?" Yamato sensei says. He shakes his head and moves closer to the middle of the group. Which now consists of just Yamato sensei, me and the other kids. 

We get to the Hokage tower finally. "Hello Lady Katsumi, are you here to see Tsunade sama?" The guard asks. 

"Hey there, drop the formalities. But yes I am here for her. I brought some people from my mission and its urgent" I say motioning to the kids. They notice and their eyes widen and nod. 

"Come in" I hear from inside her office. I walk in with Yamato sensei as wel as the other kids. Her eyes widen. "Who are these kids Katsumi?" She asks now concerned. 

"Ill save the details for later, but they were at that Snakes base. Where should they stay?" I ask hoisting the 5 year old up to get a better hold on my hip. 

"They seem to want to stay with Katsumi. Why dont you tell Tsunade sama your names and ages" Yamato says. 

"Im Itsuki Ren and im 9. This is Hishiro Souta hes also 9" Itsuki says holding onto Hishiro's shirt. 

"Im Kenji Sana and im 7 and this is my little brother Ichiro, hes 2" Kenji says holding onto Yamatos arm where hes holding his brother. 

"This is Yui shes 3, and Ichika is 5. They dont have last names. My name is Kaito Senju. Im 10" He says from behind me. Tsunade's eyes widen. 

"Oh, alright. Would you kids mind if you stayed right outside the door while I talk to Yamato and Katsumi?" Tsunade says looking over at the 7 kids. They nod and I hand the jounin that walked in the younger kids. 

"What do we do with them? One of thems a Senju as well. We could be related and neither of us would have any idea" I say with wide eyes. Tsunade nods her head. 

"They like you Katsumi, but you live alone and your barely 16." Yamato says with concern. 

"Those kids have been through a lot, not to mention they have no family anymore. Lets get them to a foster home." Tsunade says. That doesnt quite sit right in my stomache. 

"Uhm Tsunade, why dont we have an orphanage in the village?" I ask looking at her. 

"No one has had the time, funds, or ability to take care of those children. We could leave them with a nice home and I think we should discuss what to do with Kaito." Tsunade says. 

"He might have wood style like Yamato and I. Hes old enough to be in the academy as well." I say. 

"He should stay in the compound with one of you. We could try to find out what branch family hes from." Yamato suggests. 

"That might be a good idea. However, we wont be able to track more down just from that" Tsunade says. "Since the last great Ninja war, Senju and Uzumaki have scattered throughout the great nations. Its all based on luck for where they are." She says. 

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