Start from the beginning

He must've dropped it last night when he got out of the car.

A sense of relief washes over me, that I now have something to defend myself being out here alone.

I tuck the loaded weapon into my waistline and turn back around to start heading home again.

I think it's just mainly a straight road from here, hopefully not many turns so I can actually recall where I'm going.

I've lived at this house for months now, and yet only left it not even a handful of times.

I'm praying that I recognise where the fuck I'm going.

I let out an exasperated huff, and begin my aching journey.

I limp and stumble down the road, hand on my waistline to keep the firearm steady and sweat beading on my forehead. The soles of my feet feel like they're melting into liquid, and I keep getting extremely hot flushes.

I feel like I'm gonna pass out again.

Keeping at my journey, I continue walking anyway, until only a few minutes in, a random car pulls up beside me.

I holt in my steps.

Fuck. No one was supposed to see me.

The car window winds down and I'm met with the face of a middle aged woman, a soft smile and an extremely warm welcome.

"Hi sweetie. Are you okay?" She asks as her eyes scan my disaster of a body.


"Uh.. yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you." I give her a small smile and start to walk again, only for her car to creep forward, to keep in line with me.

"Do you need me to take you anywhere? A hospital? A police station?" She continues, and I can't help but let out an irritated huff.

"No, no. That's okay. I appreciate it but I'm fine." I give her another smile, yet this time, it's very forced.

"I insist!"

God, she's not giving up.

"Maybe just take me home, if that's okay with you? Please?" I give in, desperate to let Harry know that I'm alright.

She nods her head vigorously, her inviting smile yet to leave her face.

"Get in, love." She nudges her head to the passenger seat, so I slowly make my way around the car, before pulling open the car door and sliding into the passenger seat.

I can help but let out a sigh of relief as my feet are finally off the hot ground, and I finally am sat on something of comfort.

I hear her chuckled from beside me and I look over at her to be met with a small, concerned smile.

"You can just give me directions as I go, okay love?"

I nod my head and the car finally begins driving, at an extremely slow pace, but a pace faster than me walking I suppose.

Harry, I'm coming.

The lady begins making small talk.

"I'm sorry if I was quite persistent. Just after having seeing that girl on the news every night for the past few months, I can't help but be more generous to strangers who look in need." She explains.

What girl?

Immediately my heart begins to thrash against my chest as I feel as if I might know what she's talking about.

She isn't.. is she?

"That poor girl. She's so young and nobody knows what happened to her. Sophie Grayson, I think her name was."

My heart could stop right there in my chest.

I feel my face drain of all colour.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

I need to get the fuck out of this car.

I don't bother responding as I slowly put my hand on the door handle.

"Actually, I forgot to ask your name. What's your name sweetie?" She continues.

Please don't.

"Uh.. it's.. Um.." I dart my eyes around the car, looking for any type of idea, until my eyes land on an air freshener.

"It's Airiana." I blurt out.

Please, let that make sense.

"Oh! Well nice to meet you. I'm Susanna." She looks over at me for a split second and I give a small smile as she turns her head almost immediately back to the road.

Please don't recognise me.

Before I even have time to process what's happening, the car screeches in its breaks.

I hear a loud click and dart my eyes to my car door, to see it's been automatically locked. Along with every other car door.

She locked it.

I snap my head over to look at her, only to see her already looking at me — with eyes the size of plates.

"You're.. her. Aren't you?" She breathes out, running her eyes over my entire face as if she's memorised my face off the news and is trying to play a game of spot the difference.

My chest starts rising and falling rapidly, as I feel panic start to rise inside of me.

"N-no. No I'm not." I shake my head vigorously, pleading with my eyes — but she just stares at me in a state of astonishment.

"I'm taking you to the police right now."

I put my hands in my hair and start tugging at the roots.

"Please. Please, I'm begging you. Don't." The stress in my voice is clear, but she ignores it as she puts the car in drive, and starts speeding off to wherever the nearest police station is.

"It's okay. You're safe." Is all she says, as she keeps her eyes concentrated on the road, driving well and truly beyond the speed limit.

This car was slow as fuck before. But of course now it's fast.

I grab the door handle and start pulling at it, before then grabbing the little lock and trying to lift it to unlock the door.

But it was no use.

I was being taken to the police station against my will.

I'm gonna have to leave Harry forever.

yalllll damn intense am I right hahahahahhahahahahahhha

anyway so drop ur thoughts, vote, comment do what u gotta do

love u all so much angels <33333


I didn't end up proof reading this bc i got busy so if there's any errors pls ignore LMAO

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