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"I can see it, although I and Mr Rashidi, won't be staying for breakfast, but Lily and Jami will." Maureen said with a strict look on her face. That was it, she just exhibited it. That was how Bello's acted, all strict and too forward, no smiles neither jokes when conversing with people of lower social status.

I wouldn't say, I didn't know where I picked that snobbish attitude from, I wouldn't say it was more of a school hierarchy thing because I picked that from home.

"Yes, Ma!" Madam Stella replied.

She looked very serious. Anyone could tell how dedicated she was to keep her job, by the mere look of her face. Because Maureen never wasted time, most times I felt bad for the workers, because most things they did, were just minor, it wasn't something worth losing their jobs over, but it happened anyway.

"Hope Roman's room has...., "

"Yes, Ma! Everything is intact."

It felt like my heart lost a beat that one time, it seemed like I was going to lose my balance at that moment.


He still had that much effect on me, even after the years went by, who was I deceiving when I claimed I had forgotten him?

Roman, the only son of Maureen, my stepbrother, if i described our relationship with what it seemed like. But there was more to it.

I watched Maureen's mouth move. I could almost hear my heartbeat, I couldn't describe how I felt at that moment.

Was I happy or not?

I hadn't seen him for close to two years, and I was also anxious, especially with the thoughts of how I was going to face him flooding through in my head. Especially when he asked about why I blocked him from all social media platforms.

It's surprising, but that was what happened.

"Does he have to come back here?" Dad asked.

I couldn't tell his facial expression because I wasn't looking in his direction when he made this statement, but I knew what to imagine. It was no news, Dad didn't like Roman one bit. His perception of him was been too messed up.

In my Dad's words "Roman always managed to crush whatever he touched"

I won't deny the fact Roman was pretty a messed up kid, but that didn't change the fact that he was the most adorable person, I had ever come across, most times, I wondered why Dad, couldn't see that.

"I wonder what I would do with him, I mean with him been deported," Maureen said while she touched her forehead.

Pinch me

Let me rephrase the statement of my Dad not seeing the good in Roman, what would I say about the woman who gave birth to him?

When I say Maureen didn't care about anyone, I meant it. Most times I wonder why a mother won't feel a little compassion, towards her child.

Says a girl, whose Mum walked out of her life, while she was still a baby.

My Mum wasn't dead, only God knew where she was, maybe I might have bumped into her or not, the fact remained, I didnt know what she looked like, Daddy never spoke about it, or let me. That was it.

"That's the more reason I told you to take him back to his father."Dad said.

There was a sudden silence in the sitting room, more like goosebumps, we all knew what it meant. The look Maureen gave my Dad was out of the world.

"Seriously?" She asked, her voice dominant.

Honestly, I hated it whenever this topic aroused, the only thing on my mind now was going to school. I had totally lost my appetite.

 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora