Chapter 32 Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

"Why? I don't even know you! I have nothing to do with you!" Michelle said.

"Hmm... It appears Morgan has been keeping secrets from you – from all of you." Jackson said, glancing shrewdly at the crew. "Or perhaps he hasn't figured it out yet."

"You know what your problem is Jackson? You don't know when to stop talking." A familiar voice came from behind the crew. Soriano stood there holding a gun with no less than twenty men. They easily outnumbered the Ghosts.

"Ah, Morgan. Nice of you to drop by. I didn't appreciate you stealing my Koenigsegg you know. I believe payback is in order." Jackson said.

"Shut up Jackson. That's the one thing your father did better than you. He knew when to hold his tongue." Soriano said calmly. Jackson's face twisted in rage at the mention of his father.

"Get them!" Jackson shouted to his men, his calm façade gone in an instant.

"Now!" Paige shouted. Quick as lightning, Michelle swung her leg in a high kick and her boot grazed against Jackson's face leaving a deep gash. She spun again with all her strength and swept her leg around Jackson's feet knocking him to the ground. He groaned and sat up.

"Not bad. But not enough." He said, wiping the blood off his face. He dragged her to the ground and caught her wrists so she couldn't fight back.

"What are you going to do now?" Jackson asked with a sneer, his snarling face an inch from hers. Michelle slammed her head against his in a head butt without thinking. His neck crunched back but he didn't let go of her hands. She raised her knee to his stomach in a hard blow before bringing her foot down hard into his thigh. Her heel dug into his flesh through his pants and he yelled in pain, releasing her wrists.

"Ah! Why you little –" Jackson began but couldn't finish. Quick as lightning, Michelle punched his face with all her might. She heard a crack as her knuckles contacted his nose and knew she had broken it.

"Argh, my nose! You'll pay for that!" Jackson said, clutching his nose which was dripping blood all over the grass. Michelle gave him a kick to the stomach sending him sprawling on the ground.

"I have you right where I want you," she said. She got down on her knees and put her hand in his left coat pocket. She pulled out the detonator and stepped away from him.

"Come back here!" Jackson shouted. Michelle hurried to the car, opened the door, and gasped when she saw Brook. He was beaten up and bruised all over and his arms and chest showed several gashes. She shook his shoulders gently.

"Brook, please wake up! It's Michelle!" She said. He groaned weakly and his eyes fluttered. She felt a pair of hands grab her shoulders and pull her away from the car.

"No!" she shouted. Out of nowhere, Payton came and kicked Jackson down from behind.

"Go! I'll get Brook!" he shouted to Michelle. She hesitated, watching Jackson. He was already getting to his feet. She lunged forward and kicked him as hard as she could. She heard him grunt in pain and stepped back to see if Payton had enough time to get Brook out. He was already carrying him up the field.

"We got what we came for," Michelle said to Jackson. He stared up at her with bloodshot eyes.

"You'll never get away from me," he growled. Michelle took out the detonator and pressed the button. The car behind him went off in a loud explosion, the flames spreading in billows of thick heat. Michelle covered her eyes to shield them from the brightness. She threw the detonator at Jackson's feet and turned away.

"Never turn your back on your enemy, Michelle," Jackson growled from the ground, pulling out a gun from his breast pocket. He aimed it at Michelle. She had just turned around to see what he meant when she heard a cry – from the voice she loved.

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