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The 3 hours had gone by, almost every person in the world was watching the interview on their TV, mobiles, and more. After all, an Interview with the legendary Ghost was currently being held.

Goh Gunhee, the chairman, was sitting in one of the chair with someone with a hood sitting on the seat next to him. He was only here to interfere if things get out of hands. And a reporter was in front both of them.

Ghost took off her hoodie, revealing long black hair and beautiful blue eyes.

Ghost took off her hoodie, revealing long black hair and beautiful blue eyes

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- "Everyone it seems like the live was real!" The reporter said exited. A tint of blush could be seen. Her beauty had truly charmed a lot of people around the world.

- "Now, Queen of mysteries~!"

- "May I ask for your real name?" The reporter continued.

This caught the attention to everyone, secrets were finally going to be discovered in the end!

- "Nickname give by humanity, Ghost or King/Queen of mysteries, my real name is Sung Jin-woo." Sung jin woo answered but there wasn't any change in her emotions. She spoke in a rather casual voice.

But the name is what shocked everyone. The missing girl from years ago was right in front of them.

- "Y-you're that missing girl!" 

 (So, I'm not gonna make chairman speak for now. And neither am I gonna add "sung jin woo said" cuz it's just going to be saying that otherwise. lol) 

- "I guess you could say that" 

Silence was heard all over the interview room.. And they needed to change the subject to something a little bit more spicy. 

- "I-it's said that you came out of the gate traumatized.. What happened inside..?" Next second, the reporter was shivering, he asked something he shouldn't have.. And the hunter could kill him in a second. He knew it yet he had forgotten where he stood for a second.

The information about the gate accident with the missing girl was known all over the world. It was on the news for months. There was no way anyone could've forgotten about that!

Sung jin-woo was trembling, but it wasn't visible.. Memories flooding through her mind, Bad ones. Her eyes became purple. A puppy suddenly came out of nowhere. It jumped on her laps, making her relaxed a bit. 

Taking a deep breath in.

- "That gate was.. bad stuff"

Coming from Ghost mouth, that gate sounds like even worse then hell. 

- "Inside that gate, time went faster then real life. There was a sort of war. No matter how hard I tried to clear it, I couldn't." 

This brought confusion and sadness in the viewers. They were confused by what she meant with 'wars'. There wasn't any gates heard with armies of monsters in them that was beside S-rank dungeons.

- "I-im sorry I h-have asked t-this question." The reporter was trying to hold himself from emotionally crying.

After five minutes (Quick break)

- "The most recent question is where did that puppy come from?" Stars could be seen in the man in front of the hunters. The puppy looked back at it's master to get a nod. It jumped on the man's  laps. 

- "I found it dead on the street, it had been ran over by a truck. Reviving it was an option, I made him forget about all the pain it went through."

The dog barked, getting an "Aw" from almost everyone.

- "That is so cute hunter Sung Jin-woo nim!"

- "A lot of people don't release how much the era has changed. Animals are getting hunted and killed. Some are getting abandoned leaving them to death. All of that to get a monster as a companion who might end up killing them." 

- "Everyone only has 1 life, even us. Doesn't matter if your an animal or a human. We both get hunted in the end."

Another animal came out, this time it was a tiger. She patted the animal while looking at him with pity. 

- "How many animals did you save in your whole career, dear hunter?" 

- "Most of them are alive and in a better zoo, but doesn't change the fact that they can still die."

- "Moral of the story, take care of animals instead of killing them or abandoning them."

- "Thank you Hunter Sung Jin-woo nim.."

- "Well viewers, it's seem that our hunter Ghost is an animal defender! Haha, take that animal abusers!" The reporter was laughing like an idiot, making the whole studio sweat drop. Even the chairman was sweat dropping.

It was break time for everyone. The chairman was waiting for it to end while Sung Jin-woo was in the temporary room they had given her in the back stage.

She lifted half of her shirt for a huge bruise to be seen. It couldn't be healed no matter what way she tried. Neither could she have gone to hospitals either as she would've been sent to the police station. 

Perhaps, there was a way, but the scar was a daily reminder. A daily reminder to tell her how she failed miserably.

- "Ah... It's getting worse.."

- 'My liege!' Beru had gotten worried of his new queen. After all, he couldn't just leave her to die. The summon doesn't know what he would do without her. None of them would know.

Suddenly, her vision started to get blurry. Jin-woo head was spinning. She fell unconscious before being able to think about what was happening. The fatigue was finally catching up to her.

The tiger came running through the studio trying to find the Chairman Goh Gunhee. It knocked down a few material that were used to do the filming but it didn't matter. Finally, after running around every where around the studio scaring the people, the tiger finally found the Chairman.

- 'Hm? Isn't that her summon?'

Pulling the old man's sleeves and dragging him along, both the chairman and the tiger arrived in front of the passed out S-rank.


- "Someone call an ambulance!"


(1003 words)


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