Chapter 30 Tension

Start from the beginning

"Brook..." she watched as they dragged him into their car and drove away.

"Well, that didn't help much," Reece said grumpily. "We're still no closer to finding him." Payton straightened up a hard glint in his eye.

"That jerk knew how to find them and didn't tell us." He said.

"It's like he put himself out there like bait," Leslie said slowly.

"Why would he do that?" Michelle asked.

"He wanted them to take him - lead him to their hideout. I don't know what he plans on doing when he gets there when he's alone." Reece said.

"That was the stupidest thing he's ever done," Paige said. Michelle could see she was angry but also worried.

"How do we know he's still alive?" Michelle asked, her voice quavering. Jett patted her arm.

"He is. If Jackson wanted him dead right away, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of kidnapping him," he said.

"And Jackson won't be happy with just half his prize. Don't forget, he's after you as well." Payton said.

"How did he know where to find them? It's like he knew they would meet him there." Leslie said thoughtfully.

"If he's gone through all my data on the Ghosts... he must have found something I missed," Soriano said. "Maybe there's more we can find there. Reece, Payton, I need you both in the garage now. We're gonna go through everything I have on the Ghosts and see if we can find something else that'll help."

"Oh, joy. Now he includes us." Reece said with sarcasm, but he followed Soriano out. Payton nodded at the girls and went too.

"Now that we have some locations where they may be hiding, when do we leave? We need to check them out and get Brook back right away." Michelle said. Her eyes were heavy with sleep and she looked pale but she retained her resolution.

"Michelle, we need to rest a bit. None of us can drive like this." Paige said unusually gently.

"Paige is right. We get a few hours sleep and set off at midday." Leslie said. She took Michelle's hand and squeezed it.

"We'll get him back Michelle, no matter what." She said. Michelle nodded trying to keep her thoughts from thinking the worst.

"Yeah, a bit of shut-eye and we'll be fighting ready to get our Brook back," Jett said with a yawn.

"Come on, let's get some rest," Paige said. "You can sleep in my room."

"Thanks," Michelle said. She didn't think she could go into Brook's empty room, let alone lie in his bed knowing he wasn't there.

 She didn't think she could go into Brook's empty room, let alone lie in his bed knowing he wasn't there

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It was nearly eleven when Michelle felt someone shake her arm.

"Michelle, wake up," Paige said.

"Is it time to go yet?" she asked.

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