Shepard: Saren's out there somewhere. And we're going to find him.

Joker: Everyone on this ship is behind you, commander. One hundred percent. Intercom's open if you've got anything to say to the crew, now's the time.

Y/N: Ooh.

Shepard: Y/N no.

Y/N: Aw.

Shepard: This is commander Shepard speaking. We have our orders: Find Saren before he finds the conduit. I won't lie to you, crew. This mission isn't going to be easy. For too long our species has stood apart from the others. Now it's time for us to step up and do out part for the rest of the galaxy! Time to show them what humans are made of! This is the most important mission any of us ever been on. The fate of an entire galaxy is at stake. We will stop Saren, no matter what the cost!

Joker: Well said, commander. Captain would be proud.

Shepard: The captain gave up everything so I could have this chance. We can't fail.

Joker: Yes, ma'am

As we walked I started talking to her.

Y/N: You know I would not blow up a cluster.

Shepard: Don't worry I trust that you wouldn't.

Y/N: Thanks I trust that you wouldn't either.

Shepard: Alright so you said you would take one planet and I'll take the other one.

Y/N: Yeah I'll take Feros.

Shepard: I'll find Dr. Liara.

Y/N: Then we got a plan.

Shepard: That we do.

After that I heard a ringing noise along with a headache. A minute passes before it passes.

Shepard: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah don't worry.

She gave me a look before setting the destination to Feros. After the Normandy landed I left bringing Garrus and Tali with me. And I noticed someone standing near the entrance and as we walked towards him I just had a feeling like something was wrong.

???: We saw your ship. Fai Dan wants to talk to you.

Y/N: Yeah... Who is Fai Dan?

???: He's our leader. He needs your help to prepare for the geth. They're making another push. Please. Up the stairs past the freighter.

Y/N: I don't wa-

Suddenly at the corner of my eye I noticed a red light only for the guy in front of me to explode knocking me and my squad back. Pulling my pistol I crawled back while I shot at the geth while my team got up shooting back. After we killed the ones that ambushed us we moved towards the staircase but I heard something jumping around.

Y/N: Keep your eyes open I'm hearing something.

Garrus: Understood commander.

When we started climbing the stairs some type of geth started to jump around then it aimed a red laser at me, but as soon as I shot it, it started to jump around.

Y/N: You're pissing me off!

I used one of my biotic abilities to knock the geth of the wall down the stair well.

Y/N: Ha, idiot.

We continued to walk up the stairs until we couldn't then we walked to the door that light was coming from, and when we got there guards were standing behind some barricades.

From Commander To TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now