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you asked me what was my favourite sky,and i told you i liked bleeding sunsets and flaming clouds with gold bordered sunlight

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

you asked me what was my favourite sky,
and i told you i liked bleeding sunsets and
flaming clouds with gold bordered sunlight.
but you preferred asphyxiating skies sputtering
with stars; perhaps because you were the one
who always managed to rip my breaths away
and taint them with oleanders and belladonna.

we loved in shades of burning vermillion and
ochre because to us love was not a warm fuzzy
feeling that bloomed like cherry blossoms in the
balmy breeze of  spring and fell off yellow and
olive brown tree tops in fall. for us, love was the
searing rays of blue suns that carried atomic
detonations in their helium cores and charred
everything with their torrid and cruel ultraviolence.

you tell me that sometimes you need to
bleed yourself open till your veins run dry
and your eyes become lifeless sapphires
covered with dusted pain; because you can't
ever love someone with nectared words and
fluttering kisses that set off gilded butterflies
trapped between rib cages and beating hearts.

you only love to destroy the person,
and yet i stayed.

because i would rather be mercilessly thrown
into the tides of pain and malevolence than feel
nothing at all. i wanted to feel something; my life
had been a ceaseless loop of white noise being
played on rusted metallic gramophones and for
once i wanted to feel  something. anything at all.
it didn't matter if you cut me open till the floor was
stained with my rotting crimson and acidic tears,
i would have rather loved you than love nothing at all.


the ending of planets |✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin