Your Life In Rosewood PART 12

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It's the next day and I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Look I know that we don't like each other very much but, I'm here if you wanna talk".
I'm speechless. Did Alison actually care for once. Did she seriously give me pitty. Maybe there is a nice person beneath that devilish exterior. Alison stands to leave.
"Alison, wait-"
She's stopped in her tracks.
"Ouch,what the f***". she yells in pain.
Bentley walks through the door with an apologetic look.
"Sh** sorry"
"Dude, you need to knock before you enter a room, seriously. You could kill someone" I tell him.
"GET OUT OF MY F***ING WAY" Alison snaps, storming out the door.
"Nice one idiot" I say as I push Bentley out the door and slamming it.

I shake off the memory and throw on a pair of maroon jeans with a light denim jacket and some classic white All Stars (converses, chuck tailors ETC). I grab my bag and run down stairs. As I'm rushing I'm stopped by Amy.
"Hey, can we talk?" She asks me.
"Not really. I have to get to school and if we do your gonna make me late" I reply. I try to get passed her but she stops me once again.
"Fine then how about after school?" She asks.
"I'm busy after sorry" I reply trying to get passed her.
"Well then I'm not moving until you promise that you'll talk to me" she says defensively.
"Your ridiculous" you reply.
"Fine" I storm past her and make my way to my car.

I feel a breeze and can't help by doing a typically slow-mo hair flip.

Alison's POV
I'm on my way to pick up Em as I usually do every morning. I pull up in her drive way and exit my car. When I get out I can't help but see a beautiful figure across the street. The way her hair fly with the wind. It's honestly beautiful. Wait?!? Did I literally call her beautiful? WTF Alison. Snap out of it. She's the enemy.
Next thing I knew my phone buzzes.
'Falling for the enemy. Come on Alison you should know better
- A'
No. No this can't be. And how would A even know this. I really need to something about A, that bitch is generally getting on my nerves.

I'm back bitches. My creative juices are flowing. Wait no that sounds weird. Anyways. If you didn't notice already, I wanted to make this story not only a mystery/horror thingy story. But I also wanted to make it a comedy as well so yeah. Here is some ice cream to keep you cool for the big A reveal 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦

- Kisses M

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