Chapter 2: Rin's boyfriend

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Rin's p.o.v

I sat next to Kakashi because he seemed interesting. I know he doesn't want to talk to me but maybe I can bring him out of his shell.

"Psstt. Kakashi." I wispered.

Class had started a few minutes ago. I told my friends I was going to try to talk with Kakashi and they were totally cool about it.

"What?" He wispered back.

"Wanna sit with me at lunch?" I asked.

Maybe this would be the way I could get him out of his shell. He seems to be the type to keep to himself.

"No." He sighed and payed attention to the lesson again.

I looked down at my paper in defeat. What else was I supposed to do? Plus with Gage on my back and being protective he prolly won't let me talk to Kakashi.

He always sits with us, of course, because he's my boyfriend. But sometimes I wish he wasn't so protective to the point I'm only allowed to have one guy friend.

I'm only allowed to have Obito as a friend because he has a girlfriend he has been in a stable relationship with for over a year. Me and Gage started dating during freshman year.

I'm a senior now and I can't wait to graduate and go to college. I already kinda know what college I wanna go to. But I also want to make Gage happy by going to the same college as him.

The only thing is they don't offer the course I want there. They mainly offer buisness and construction courses. I want to get a degree in Theater.

I'm in theater club and I was since sophomore year. It's really fun and all the plays are fun to prepare for and design sets for. I mostly act but sometimes I help design sets.

I'm not very good at art but I like to draw. It keeps my mind off of other stuff. Like college. Oh gosh now I'm worrying about college again.

"Rin." The teacher called.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you answer this problem?" She asked.

"5,837." I said.

I'm pretty good at math but I don't enjoy it much. I saw Kakashi look at me like I was crazy. What? Did I say something wrong?

"How did you answer that so quickly?" He asked. "I mean I can do that too and I know it's something a lot of people are amazed by, I just didn't know you could do that."

Woah. That was the most I've heard him talk since I met him litteraly 35 minutes ago.

"I guess I'm just good at math." I said.

This was the perfect opportunity to get Kakashi to talk to me more!

"Yeah obviously." He sighed.

Maybe I could ask again. He could possibly say yes this time? Hmm, I don't know.

"Hey Kakashi?" I whispered. I had made my decision.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with me at lunch?" I asked.

"I'm sure." He said.

"Alright." I sighed.

I didn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson. I was too worried. I knew Gage was going to want to talk about Kakashi.

Even though there is nothing to talk about. I'm just trying to be friends with him. But he won't talk to me... yet.

I went to my next class and spaced out the entire time. After this class was lunch, and after lunch was theatre.

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