𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘴 ☆ 𝘜𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘛𝘦𝘯

Start from the beginning

Satori chuckles at Satsuki's bright-eyed expression, "Ai-neechan is right, yiu are old enough to go,"

"I'd want that papa!"

"Then we'll enrol you in the city, where I work. Is that okay?"

Satsuki nods her head energetically, "Yes! I wanna go!"

"Let's visit tomorrow," he pats her head as they continue eating. Satori would tell his daughter to wipe her cheeks every once in a while as he started to explain what kindergarten did.

After eating, he turns on her favorite show before grabbing the calendar hung up on their fridge. He glances at the date, March and starts to count down if Satsuki was able to enroll for kindergarten.

"Hm, she'd make it just in time," he mutters before putting the calendar back to the fridge before glancing over to make sure she was still in the living room.

Sighing, he smiles at the sight of the little girl fully engrossed into her academic show. Folding his sleeves, he starts to work on the dishes.


"Say...I haven't seen Tendou-san for the last 5 years," Shirabu takes a sip of his pint as Wakatoshi nods in somewhat of a dismayed manner.

Reon chews up his sushi before clearing his throat, "I saw him in one confectionary magazine my wife bought,"

"Really?" Semi raises his brows and subtly points to one of Shirabu's cut okonomiyaki, "He hasn't been in my radar for years too,"

Shirabu nods before taking a piece for himself, "And it's surprising that even Ushijima-san wasn't contacted,"

"I am a bit upset, however I don't want to over-impose," he suddenly speaks, sighing inwardly while he tries to ponder on the fact that they all mutually just lost their touch with Tendou.

"But y'know, I saw Tendou-san once," Goshiki states, "He was in Hinode, buying groceries when I saw him,"

All eyes go to him, "It wasn't long ago too, just about 4 months ago," he shrugs, "I just thought everyone knew,"

A soft elbow hit came from Semi, "Well one of us knows now, at the very least,"

"I'd visit him." Ushijima announces as Reon furrows his brows, "Don't you think he cut ties with us because he didn't want to see us? That's acting kind of brash Ushijima,"

"I hate it when things like this happen," Ushijima responds, "I just want to see Satori,"

"Maybe visit his work office instead Ushijima-san, I thought you didn't want to over-impose your boundaries," Shirabu suggests.

Ushijima sighs and takes in a deep breath, the smell of savory eggs, sushi, rice bowls and anything else fragrant wafting in. "Right. Sorry, my emotions got the best of me,"

The former teammates share a sad look with each other. It was no secret that Tendou and Ushijima loved each other dearly, and acted upon it long time ago.

Things changed when Tendou announced he'd leave Shinjuku and now they had no clue where he was up until now.

"The magazine didn't specify where but if we have a chome and a city it'll be easier to narrow down," Reon hands his phone to Ushijima, beholding a message from his wife.

"Fuchu city? Ichi-Chome," Ushijima reads out in a baffled voice. "That isn't too far from Shinjuku,"

"Yeah, a 40-minute drive at best," Semi responds.

"I'll visit him tomorrow," Ushijima announces, "And lets hope he'd talk to me,"


"Ara~ Sacchan your hair is so stylish today," the old neighbor, Mrs. Hirono compliments the stylishly dressed little girl.

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