"I missed you today", holland spoke

"I missed you too", I smiled

"you skipped my class"

"I had a meeting with Mr.Chancellor", I continued running my fingers through her hair

"what did he say?"

"that I didn't need to do tutoring anymore", I hummed 

"what did you say?"

"that I want to continue", I leant forward kissing the side of her head

"good", holland mumbled

"why don't I drive. You haven't had a minute off work this semester, today was a long day.. You're practically falling asleep on the steering wheel.... come on"

"okay, but don't crash my car", holland murmured 


"holland.. honey.. holland.. holland wake up we're here", I spoke into hollands ear

"okay", holland groaned, sitting a bit delusional "why are you laughing?", holland glared at me

"honey your hair", I giggled brushing it with my fingers, back behind her ears

"it's eight", I leant in kissing her lips softly

the drive to the lake hour was six hours, holland had been drifting in and out of sleep the entire time 

holland cupped my cheek bringing me in for another kiss

"lets get you inside", I caressed under her eye before jumping out

"god this is absolutely divine", holland breathed as I turned on the lights to the house "I didn't know your family was rich"

"my aunt is an architect, it's hers. But we all use it", I answered looking out at the house

holland walked in further, looking up at the high ceilings and grand windows.

"it's really magnificent", holland admired 

"well in the morning I'll show you the lake, it's beautiful", I walked up behind her

"thank you", holland brought me into her arms 

"what for?"

"bringing me here. It's a very special thing for you to bring me to your families home.. it means a lot", holland spoke placing kisses on my forehead 

I didn't know what to say, so I just pulled her tighter, soaking up the moment 

"are you hungry?", I spoke into the embrace


"well why don't we go put our bags away, you can have a shower and I'll get dinner ready"

"what are we having?"

"Amanda made us something for tonight, it's in a thermos. We can resume ordering food tomorrow", I said while walking over to pick up our bags

"she's a good friend to you", holland trailed behind me 

"the best", I beamed 


"I am in love with this house", holland spoke in awe and she came into the kitchen 

"did some exploring?", I spoke plating the food

"yeah", holland breathed distracted 

"do you want to sit outside?", I walked up next to holland holding our food

holland nodded eagerly following behind me

"so what are we eating?", holland asked as I handed her a bowl 

"pasta", I spoke taking a bite "are you okay?", questioned as holland became distracted once again 

"sorry darling, I just don't think I have been anywhere so beautiful", holland beamed turning her attention back to me

"don't apologise, you get distracted a lot, I'm used to it", I winked

"I have ADD", holland smirked 

"really?", I gave her a confused look

"yeah, everything making more sense now?"

"it explains a lot, especially your teaching style?", I giggled 

"elaborate", holland laughed 

"well you're kind of all over the place.. in the best way possible!"

"I'll take that as a compliment", holland kissed my cheek


"God.. that was delicious", Holland hummed after we finished dinner and I lay down with my head in her lap "what you looking at?", holland teased, beginning to play with my hair

"you", I blushed 

holland leant down kissing me a few times, before sitting up, both of us just relaxing in a comfortable silence 

"holland", I spoke sitting up and facing her "I want to talk to you about something"

"anything", holland turned her body

"when you came into my class, you said you brought toys?"

"yes I did", holland looked me up and down with hungry eyes

"what does that entail exactly?", I stammered under her gaze 

"well we won't do anything you're uncomfortable with, ever", holland assured me taking my hand "I just brought a couple little things, nothing to extreme"

"like what?", I bit my lip

"vibrators, a bind, which after seeing that amazing headboard in our room, I'm very happy about", holland kissed me 

"what are you going to do?", I quivered 

"well I can't deny that from the moment I saw you, that I didn't want you tied up.. completely loosing yourself under my control", holland kissed under my jaw "would you like that?", holland growled 

"yes", I breathed

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