not cool. I don't want 'fans' that are rude/mean. go idolise someone else cause I ain't about that shit


"I missed you too angel, check your texts, I sent you a screenshot," Billie ordered, and I quickly did.

It all made sense now. Billies audience was getting bigger by the day. She had around thirty thousand followers, I guess one of them had to be crazy.

"You messaged her?" I questioned softly. I wasn't mad, I found it cute that she wanted to prove her innocence to me. I believed her anyway, but Billie knows I've been burned in the past. "

"I know you believe me, but I also know how hard it can be to believe when you've been lied to so many times. I hope that helps bub," Internally I was freaking out over her sweetness, on the outside I sent her a thankful smile and hugged the camera.

"Shit Reese, I missed your face so much. I feel so soft," she laughed, not taking her eyes off me for a second.

"Not as much as I missed yours."

Billie raised her brow at me, "I definitely missed yours more. Has nothing come in the post for you?"

I had no idea what she was talking about," no, why?"

I quickly stood up and walked to my front door, "I sent you something. It should've been there yesterday, I got a text saying it's been delivered."

I walked outside and searched the garden, it didn't take long to find a box hidden behind a large plant pot my mum placed out a few years ago for decoration.

I sat down cross legged, my phone propped up on my coffee table.

"Open it!" She said excitedly, a cheesy grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm getting there," a smirk landed on her face as a note fell out of the package.

You make me so cringe, you better love this cause I don't do this shit. Lots of love, bil :)

A giggle left my lips, "you are so soft." I slowly raised the item underneath, "your hoodie?" I immediately wrapped my arms around the grey printed hoodie and cuddled it.

"Yes ma'am."

I pushed out my bottom lip in awe, "it smells good as fuck."

Billie nodded, clearly feeling pleased with herself, "I do smell good as fuck."

"What did I say on the phone last night?" I didn't want to ask, but I had to know. Billie shrugged her shoulders, "like, barely anything. You didn't want to talk to me." Poor baby. I could tell me ignoring her hurt her. "I just remember being in Rias living room and feeling like i was missing something. It was you." I admitted, Billies face lit up a little. "Yeah I get that."

We ended up watching a movie together. We do this every now and again, pick a film, prop up our phones and countdown from three, both pressing play at one. Every now and again we chat about whats going on, and it just feels normal. I love it.

I ended up having my tea far later than usual. Realising it was eight pm when the movie finished, i opted for oven pizza whilst Billie had a burrito for lunch. We sat at our dining tables and ate. "I'm so glad jared brought you home, he sounds sweet." I nodded, swallowing a bite of my food. "Yeah, it almost felt like dad was in the room. Is that weird?" The conversation carried on whilst we finished up eating.

I locked everything up and headed for a shower once we were done with our meals. Billie and I had gotten so close that it was normal to bring the phone anywhere with me, we even took each other to the toilet. I placed the phone on the side. Billie often randomly bursts into song, but whenever I'm in the shower she basically gives me a concert. I love it. I listened to her carefully, taking in every lyric to every song, complimenting her in between. I felt so blessed to have her.

I propped my phone up on my bedside table as I began drying myself, "so you had six different flavours on one ice cream?" The call fell silent causing me to turn my attention to the screen where I saw billie staring at me, her bottom lip clenched harshly between her teeth. Wow. That's when I realised I'd subconsciously dropped my towel down from my top half to dry my legs easier. "Right, six." Billie muttered causing me to smirk at her inability to string a sentence together. "My face is up here." Billie rolled her eyes, I'm surprised she could move them enough to even do that to be honest. "Yeah, but I wasn't looking at your face." She rasped, sending shivers down my body. "Mhm." I pulled an oversized t-shirt over my head and Billie let out a frustrated moan,. I loved that I could do that to her so easily.

Finally I was in my bed. My warm, homely, comfy bed with billies hoodie, a sober brain and my girl on the phone.

"How are you feeling now angel?" Her voice was quiet. "I feel like everything's ok again, how are you feeling?" She sent me her usual teethy smile. I adore that face. "me too."

"Hey Reese." I heard Finneas' voice speak up as billies door burst open, "hey fin, you ok?" His face reached the camera and he grinned at me, "I'm good, glad to see you alive." My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. I forgot I'd called him until now. "It's a miracle" we both laughed, "go on now fin, she needs to get some sleep." Billie shooed her brother away but not without giving him a hug. She gets protective over my sleep, it's kind of cute. 

The clock struck eleven pm, usually we talk til roughly one am but my constant yawns exposed how tired I really was. "Go on beauty, it's ok. We can talk tomorrow." Fuck time zones man. I shook my head wishing so badly I could stay awake just to talk to her more. "One day." I whispered as I closed my eyes. "One day." She copied.

I fell asleep, feeling calm, protected.

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