"Where you at Bro " boomed through the phone
"She's gone " I said .
Silence fell amongst us "you straight "
I sniffed "I'm not but I'm gone get there "
"You know you want feel any better by killing Bro just let me do it " he said
I shook my head "no I have to do it , I been was supposed to murk his ass ".
He chuckled "okay boss , but come meet me at the airport ".

I got in my car pulling off to the airport . I sat down letting waiting on Zay while IYA's death still ate at me . "It's gone be okay " Zay said getting in .

" I don't know if it ever will I don't think I can find a girl like her . She made me clean ,she made me smile, and of all things what I think I loved most about her was her attitude. It was feisty but even when she was mad she still wanted to be around me ".

He chuckled " sounds toxic to me ". I smiled "I wouldn't have it any other way ."

I pulled off towards Dee's house knowing I wouldn't be comfortable sleeping at IYA's .

I knocked on his door only for Naomi to answer with a face full of tears I guess she heard the news . She pulled me in for hug .

"Aye that's enough " a jealous Dee said . I chuckled " I'm spoken fa anyways ". He laughed "imma miss loud mouth ". I rubbed my head "shit me to ".

He moved out the way letting us in the house . Zay didn't trust nobody other than me so of course he was looking around . He looked at me and I nodded my head letting him know that Dee and Naomi where cool .

Me and Zay followed Dee to his office while Naomi just trailed off . "So what may be the pleasure of you two black mother fuckers showing up at my doorstep ". I chuckled still the same dumb ass Dee . "Yo bitch ass homeboy Blue killed iya . His eyes went from its normal shaped to as big as a tire . "Fuck you mean blue killed iya ".

"Me and iya where having sex and he busted in next thing you know where arguin I swing he pulls out a gun and she jumps in front of it and he shoots her ". That was the first time I ever spoke about the events . He looked at me like he lost apart of himself but I knew that pain he felt wasn't because the pain of iya but the pain of how he would play apart in blues death .

"Fuck man " he stood up walking towards a black cabinet. Zay repositioned hisself fixing his gun I guess once he heard blue and Dee was homeboys he got a Lil antsy .

Dee came back slamming a Manila folder on his desk . "This is our former tech guy chief he will tell you where blue is but for a price " he chuckled "a very large price " he said .

I picked up the folder rummaging through it contents "but first stop at his baby mommas house she might know where at " . I got up dapping him up "good looks " he sighed "yeah ".

We walked out the door getting into the car speeding towards his baby mommas house . Once we pulled up I parked the car . "We not killing no pregnant bitch " Zay said .

I looked at him "my nigga if she was part of that shit I'm whacking ha ass regardless of what you think " . He took out his gun pointing it at me . I took out mines aiming for him .

"I said we not killing no pregnant bitch " .

I chuckled "if she got something to do with this she more guilty than him ".

"You my brother and you know I will kill anybody over you but I draw the line at kids so if we go in there and you kill that girl I swear to God I won't hesitate to put you six feet deep ".

I put my gun down watching as he lowered his " I won't kill her " he nodded his head and we got out the car .

Walking towards her apartment we knocked on the door .

"Blue is that you " she said swinging the door open . I pulled out my gun and pointed it straight at her head . Her smile jumped instantly to a load of tears . "Please don't kill me im pregnant " she said rubbing her stomach .

"Where's blue " I said cutting to the chase I couldn't kill her because of zay's ass . " he's not here ". I chuckled "then bitch where is he ".

She sat there dumbfounded I cocked my hand back ready to send punches to her face until Zay signaled me to stop . " stay down brudda ".

He walked up close to her rubbing her face whipping her tears . "What's yo name ma ". Hesitantly she said "Lola ". He smiled at her "see ma yo baby daddy has did a bad thing to a good girl and I know you know where he at you see " he said pointing to me "my homeboy hear wants to kill you and I won't allow that for nothing in this world but you have to tell me where he's at ".

She looked at me and then back at him "promise he won't kill me ". He shook his head "I promise on everything I love beautiful " she blushed . "He's at his momma house I don't know the address but he called and said he was there ."
Zay kissed lola's cheek and we walked out heading towards the car .

I chuckled "I like how you handled that . He laughed "because your a firecracker you have no voice of reason , she's pregnant a mother's instinct is to protect its young she would have done anything for us not to kill her ." he said
"Yeah ".

I pulled of driving towards chief'S house of
course I was nervous about doing business with a rat ass geek who used to work for blue .

Zay looked at me "look at us working with a rat " I chuckled "we gone have to kill his ass he a lose end ". He nodded his head agreement .

We got out the car knocking on the door only for it to be opened by a scrawny ass nigga with glasses .

"Dee told me you guys might come by ". I shot him glance "well how much you looking at ". He waved us in giving us a gesture to follow him . I inspected his house it wasn't raggedy but he wasn't living the life no wonder why he was rat for a living .

We followed him to a room filled with computers and more electronics "who you work fa " I asked . He chuckled "if you thinking I work for blue your sadly mistaken , I work for anybody with the right amount of cash and at this very moment I'm your employee ".

I scratched my head "how much this gone cost " he fixed his glasses looking at a screen "5,000 dollars ". I looked at Zay instructing him to slide chief the money . He set there counting it . Then swiftly typing on his computer.

It really be the nigga who pay you be snitching on you . Look this nigga he worked for blue now he's just giving up his location ain't no way I'm walking out this door without sending shots to his ass .

The typing stopped then he looked at us "1530 Swallowme Lane " . He got up to shake my hand for conformation. Zay got up taking his gun out taking it off safety "you do good as work , but you rat and that makes you a lose end " he pulled the trigger sending a bullet into his skull .

He walked over to where he stashed the money and collected it . I chuckled "you could have least left the nigga family some money for the funeral ". He gave me that bitch what face "nigga I have bills ".

I laughed while walking out the building going towards my car . He gone pay for this shit all of it .

TBC ....

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