The witch tiredly hums an affirmative but keeps her eyes closed. 

"You should go lay down-"

What a good idea. She lets herself fall sideways and unto his rigid shoulder. Tyto hoots at the disruptive movement but quickly settles once again. Amelia makes herself comfortable as well, snuggling into the coat she was clutching in her hands. 

"You've got brilliant ideas, Tony Tincan."

"-on a bed. I meant lay down on a bed." Tony states, deadpan as he looks down at the woman laying against him.

"You're not gonna move, are you?" the genius says under his breath, exhaling in amusement.

Amelia shushes him and moves her head to find a good position that doesn't strain her neck. "Merlin, your shoulder is so pointy."

"Excuse you, my shoulders are perfectly in... shoulder shape."

The tired woman continues wiggling around, "Keep telling yourself that, pointy shoulders."

Tony begins moving around causing Amelia to protest, "No- Tony, I'm sorry. Please stay still, I'll learn to appreciate your ridiculously sharp shoulders."

"Calm down, you stubborn woman." Amelia feels Tony's hands on her shoulder and let's them wield her into laying with her head on his lap. Another whiff of expensive cologne enters her nose, Amelia's head hitting a soft surface.

Tony chuckles, "You refuse to be sensible and sleep in a bed so I, like the kind-hearted person that I am, am just making it more comfortable so you can sleep here. I was just grabbing more coats from you to lay on."

Amelia giggles, "Thank you, my hero in iron armor."

"Saving damsels in distress is just what I do." Tony jokes back, earning a weak slap against his chest, "Okay! You're not a damsel! Are you happy now?"

"Wait, one more thing," She tucks her legs up from under the table and stretches them unto the unsuspecting lap of Ginny Weasley, who curses at her for once again making her lose a point in the game, but keeps Lia's legs on her anyway, "Now, I'm a happy woman." 

She begins to drift of. The warm, cozy and, most of all, safe surroundings in combination with her pain medication and her calming cup of tea lulling her into dreamland. A thought stops her from slipping under completely. She blindly reaches up and grabs Tony's face in her hands. Amelia pulls it towards her and to the side, lightly placing her lips on his cheek.

"I still owned you a kiss remember?" 

Tony stays quiet for a second and Amelia almost wants to open her eyes to see his face. The man speaks up before she can bring herself to do so.

He clears his throat, "Yes, you did own me that. You officially paid back your debt." 

"I'm I just tired or did I really hear the Tony Stark get flustered?"

"No, you are definitely just tired."

They both chuckle. 

After a while Amelia mumbles, "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Everything." The witch simply says. "You're a good man Tony."

Amelia lets herself be pulled under and into her dreams before she can say or hear anything else. And so missing how Tony's eyes went wide and a small flush colored his cheeks at her words. He gives the sleeping woman a kind smile and reaches to take his drink from the table, meeting narrowed eyes. Sirius hadn't missed the exchange and was pointing his fingers to his eyes and Tony in an 'I'm watching you' movement.

The genius chokes on his butterbeer in surprise, making Sirius laugh out loudly and wink in his direction. And as Tony takes in the magical world around him, and all the people around him that are in it, he realizes that things will never be the same as before. His life has turned around so much in the last few days, and all the constant action had left him unable to fully proces it all. But as he takes a peak at the woman sleeping on his lap, he thinks that these changes might not be so bad after all.


Author's note

And that brings Hocus Pocus to an official end! I am so thankful for all the support I got from you all throughout this story. I can't thank you all enough for staying with me and enjoying this journey!

I'm thinking about entering this story into the 2021 watty awards! I still need to edit all the chapters, since you can't change your story once you enter it, and I don't know if I'll be able to make the deadline on 30 september. What are your thoughts on it? 

After editing this story I will create a cover for the sequel, so you can add it already to receive the updates about it.  However, I am going to write a few chapters before uploading the first one, so you won't have to wait too long in between chapters.

I thank you all once again, because I can't ever thank you enough, and I hope to see you all in the next book. So be sure to keep an eye out for it if you want to follow Amelia's journey with Tony in the magical world and in Age of Ultron. 

This is not the end!

 Lots of love, Leentjekat <3 

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