She couldn't take her eyes off her. The girl looked like she was in heaven when she was around the machine. And Lisa was the sort of person to take in the energy of someone else as her own.

Lisa also lied about the price of the tickets, which, was part of the plan just in case the brunette was the type to insist on paying till the day of her death. Rather than getting the girl to pay her an eighty, she'd feel better with a twenty. Besides, she couldn't take the brunette's money because she didn't even pay for these tickets to begin with. She got it off a deal with her friend.

The blonde silently reads the room around the shorter girl when the latter turns to face the same machine this time with a shit ton of tickets.

For the rest of the time till the arcade would close, Lisa represses the feeling of sore growing at the sole of her legs while she stood and watched. The brunette's jubilation was so addictive, she almost forgot the time, and everything around her.

That was until Jisoo comes around from behind to check on the machines and slaps her on her bum, simultaneously snapping her back to reality. The arcade was closing.

"I can't believe you're still here. Are you sure you aren't sick in the head or anything? Because this is starting to creep me out."

Lisa rolls her eyes, collecting her bag from the ground and slinging it over her shoulder, "Is it so weird for me to be at the arcade?" She asked.

It was supposed to be a rhetorical question, when the chestnut hair lunatic nods bluntly.


The blonde lets out a discontented grunt, "It's never too late to try something new, Chu."

"Holy shit. Coming from you?" Jisoo scrutinises her, "Something's definitely going on with you. You're never at the arcade!"

Lisa listens on, and realises the brunette had been hearing their conversation this entire time.

"I don't think you have to remind me of something I do myself."

Jisoo gapes at her for a good moment, dramatically, "This isn't Lisa. I know this isn't Lisa. Whoever you are, you better bring my friend back!"

The blonde chuckles at her friend's comical expressions. This girl was just too good at story-telling and facial articulation she could literally just drop the arcade job and audition for acting instead. It wouldn't be a surprise to Lisa if she passed on first try and became the lead actress of an anticipated film.

"You're hilarious." Lisa says, but Jisoo directs her attention to the brunette by the side, ignoring her because their conversation would get nowhere now that she couldn't be bothered. She figured the blonde was just not in the right state of mind today and she was going to leave her be. Maybe she took the wrong pills too.

"Oh, it's my favourite regular gamer again." She waves.

Lisa stares back at the brunette when she not only waves to Jisoo, but to her as well.

"Lisa, right?" She sends a small smile coyly, "Thanks for the tickets again."

When the brunette turns to leave, Lisa couldn't get herself to call her back and ask her for her name. Or her number. She was foolishly blushing, her feet bluntly rooted to the ground, and then out of the blue, Jisoo screams into her ears.

"So you said secret?!? What secret? You are literally in an open arcade! And those tickets were for her?! I thought you were finally trying the games out! Holy shit, my arcade is a match-maker!"

"Shut your bitchass up!" Lisa covers her friend's mouth with her palms, afraid the brunette might still be around the corner.

"You fancy her, huh?" Jisoo nudged her playfully, eyebrows wiggling, "It's not a surprise, really."


"Well, she's pretty. She comes here a lot. And almost every time, some boys would try to ask her out, that's if she's here during the afternoons of course. I could tell they were all being rejected even from the counter."

Lisa laughs, but Jisoo smacks her back.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. She's cute alright, but you never know if you'd ever stand a chance. You might just get rejected like one of those boys. Don't come crying to me when that happens."

Lisa smug smiles, "I'll never know, so let's give it a try shall we?"

"Whatever floats your boat, Manoban."

"Do you know her name?"


"What is it?"

"but I won't tell you."

"Screw you."

"I was not even done with my sentence and you interrupted me, bitch, don't screw me."

"Screw off."

Arcade LoverWhere stories live. Discover now